Bach Unaccompanied (Christopher S. Gibson, cello) | Peatix,2011:1 2021-11-17T14:36:47+09:00 Peatix Christopher Gibson Bach Unaccompanied (Christopher S. Gibson, cello),2013:event-17264 2013-09-08T18:30:00JST 2013-09-08T18:30:00JST Sunday, September 8th, 2013 19:00~ (Doors Open 18:30) 2013年9月8日(日)19:00開演 (18:30開場)Youtube バッハ独奏映像Program  Johann Sebastian Bach Unaccompanied Cello Suite No. 1 in G major BWV1007 無伴奏チェロ組曲第一番ト長調BWV1007 Unaccompanied Cello Suite No. 3 in C major BWV1009 無伴奏チェロ組曲第三番ハ長調BWV1009 ~~~ Unaccompanied Violin Partita No. 2 in D minor BWV 1004 無伴奏バイオリンパルティータ第二番ニ短調BWV1004演奏者プロフィール About the Performer Christopher S. Gibson, cello Half American and half Japanese, Christopher was born in Traverse City, Michigan and started cello at age four. He moved to Japan for elementary school, and studied cello with Shunsuke Fujimura at the NHK Orchestra. During high school summers, he participated in summer music camps at the Boston University Tanglewood Institute, Interlochen Arts Camp, and Indiana University Summer String Academy. Upon graduating Yokohama International School, he entered Yale University, majoring in Philosophy and Political Science. After passing an audition with Aldo Parisot, Christopher took lessons with Ole Akahoshi at the Yale School of Music as an undergraduate cellist. In Winter 2012, he won the New Artist Competition at the International Artist Association (IAA) with comments from world-class violinist Narimichi Kawabata, who remarked that Gibson's Bach "allows the listener to enter the world of the piece." He performed from Bach's Unaccompanied Cello Suite No. 1 and Violin Partita No. 2 at the Sumida Triphony Hall in Tokyo. 1986年生まれ。4才よりチェロを学ぶ。Tanglewood, Indiana University, Interlochenの夏期プログラムに参加。横浜インターナショナルスクール卒業後、米イェール大学に進学、哲学・政治学を二重専攻。在学中、Aldo Parisot氏とのオーディションに合格し、イェール音楽院にて室内楽をWendy Sharp氏に、ソロをOle Akahoshi氏に師事。 2011年秋にイェール大学卒業後、哲学や演劇をベースに英語を教える傍ら、チェリストとして東京を中心に活躍中。2012年冬、バイオリニスト川畠成道氏を審査員に含む国際演奏家協会新人オーディションにて入賞。 Updates,2013-08-19 06:33:14 2013-08-19 06:33:14 イベント詳細情報を更新しました。 Diff#13716