Family Fun Workshop by Siong Leng Musical Association 文化沙龙--亲子同乐 | Peatix,2011:1 2021-11-15T08:04:28+08:00 Peatix Singapore HeritageFest Family Fun Workshop by Siong Leng Musical Association 文化沙龙--亲子同乐,2016:event-164081 2016-04-30T11:00:00SGT 2016-04-30T11:00:00SGT “文化沙龙--亲子同乐” Sign up for a fun day out for the whole family at this special workshop and learn about Nanyin, a type of Chinese classical music which originated from Fujian, China, as well as create your own unique scent and tea bag that you can bring home as a souvenir.This programme is conducted in Mandarin. 动动手动动口,轻轻松松来玩一玩具有千年的音乐、香和茶文化的个中乐趣。这是为一家大小特别量身定做的既温馨又轻松好玩的高雅文化之旅;您与您的孩子可透过专家老师的创意及耐心辅导下,亲自选材调制清香可口的冰茶品尝解渴,动手配制可爱的健康环保香饼,领略南音朴美清雅的音韵,以及聆听流传几百年的南音传奇故事。同时,分享各家庭团队的合作精神与创意构思,忘记代沟,释放情感,促进家人和睦,弘扬传统价值观。活动以中文进行。30 April & 1 May 201611am - 1pm Updates,2016-04-27 04:16:09 2016-04-27 04:16:09 The event description was updated. Diff#163688 Updates,2016-04-27 04:11:01 2016-04-27 04:11:01 Venue Address was changed to "4B Bukit Pasoh Road (S)089816". Orig#163680 Updates,2016-04-27 04:10:50 2016-04-27 04:10:50 The event description was updated. Diff#163679