New Accelerator style Virtual Workshop Special Session: TESTING BUSINESS IDEAS - Entrepreneurship New Ventures Master Class on Testing and Validating Innovative Business Ideas for Business Model Launch for New and existing Companies | Peatix,2011:1 2020-09-20T12:02:42+09:00 Peatix karl burrow New Accelerator style Virtual Workshop Special Session: TESTING BUSINESS IDEAS - Entrepreneurship New Ventures Master Class on Testing and Validating Innovative Business Ideas for Business Model Launch for New and existing Companies,2020:event-1632179 2020-09-19T10:00:00JST 2020-09-19T10:00:00JST Karllestone Capital and Innovation Academy Presents: Online Y Combinator Education Series by Karl Burrow - Facilitator, Coach and MentorDoes your business model meet the basic requirements and threshold before launch? Tested the hypothesis and assumptions?This is a special session that focuses on Testing Business Model  and a deeper understanding of business models, Value Proposition and  JTBD ( Jobs-to-Be-Done) for Customer Development and the crucial basics to testing. This session will also include important elements like how to select the best hypothesis, assumptions, how to design experiments, how to run them, and how to learn from them.New business ideas look good on paper, but will they stand the test with reality? In Testing Business Ideas, we provide a comprehensive guide on how to run the right kind of experiments to test if your idea has traction. ​Our motto... is "Make Something People Want." Our program teaches founders and potential  entrepreneurs to market their product, team and market, create and refining their business model, JTBD (Jobs-To-Be-Done) achieving product/market fit, and scaling the startup into a high growth business, etc Virtual Workshop Offering:  We regularly hosts webinars on topics of interest to the startup entrepreneurship & venture community. ​Accelerated learning, mentoring from experienced founders and an internship in a high-growth startup:This Y-Combinator Accelerator seminar-style online workshop will grow your skills and new thinking for Entrepreneurship.This introductory course is designed to introduce you to the foundational concepts of entrepreneurship, including the definition of entrepreneurship, the profile of the entrepreneur, the difference between entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial management, and the role of venture creation in society. You’ll explore where technology entrepreneurship and impact entrepreneurship align and where they diverge, and you’ll learn proven techniques for identifying the opportunity, assessing the opportunity, hypothesis testing and creating a prototype, come up with an informed business model for your venture. You'll learn market segmentation, how to determine user needs, how to use the competitive landscape as well as potential users to refine your idea, and how to create a simple but powerful business model for your start-up that will allow you to avoid common mistakes and pitfalls through retrospectives.By the end of this course, you’ll know how to test, validate and prototype your idea, create your 1st prototye business model, and also whether or not you fit the profile of an entrepreneur! You’ll also be ready to move on to the next phase of entrepreneurship in Entrepreneurshing  which is Launching the Start-Up.Skills you will learn :Discovery-Driven Business Models, Customer Development and Segmentation, Elevator Pitch and  Entrepreneurship新しいワークショップとセッションのお知らせです。起業家精神とベンチャー起業家精神を理解するにあたって必要な基礎知識起業家精神とスタートアップのマスタークラス ワークショップ 起業を成功させる意欲はありますか?Bootcamp to upskill your entrepreneurial selfA chance to develop a startup idea with your cohortUnderstand the basics of delivering a pitchOur course exists to unleash your entrepreneurial potential outside the realm of traditional education – we put practice over theory, competencies over diplomas and certificatesEntrepreneurship and New Ventures - Perspective on understanding and learning the basics of EntrepreneurshipY Combinator Series5ドル 又は500円の資金で始める、起業家精神/スタートアッププログラムのワークショップをこれから東京で数ヶ月間に渡ってコーチングを行います。レクチャーでは起業家精神の基礎を学ぶ事から始まって、500円プロジェクトの紹介と説明、そして生徒が500円資金で実際ミニプロジェクトに取り組むという流れになります。参加者は革新的なアイデアを生み出すのに役立つデザイン思考ツールを学ぶ他、ビジネスの成功に重要なバリュープロポジションについて学びますパート2メインコースパート2スタートアップ基礎と起業家精神トレーニングビジネスモデルとビジネスプランの作成を通して実践、体験するトレーニング。ピッチの準備とピッチデック作成方法。起業成功につながる構造をマスターし、理解を深める。お互いに起業計画やビジネスの問題解決について考え、話し合える機会です。For more information contact info@karllestonecapital.comwww.karllestonecapital.comA series of workshops in Tokyo  and Virtual Online which I will be facilitating and coaching the Entrepreneurship/Lean Startup program over the next several months based on... The 5$ or 500 Yen Startup funding.Entrepreneurship lecture teaches the basics of entrepreneurship. Lecture starts with an introduction followed by a 500 yen project in which student groups actually do a mini-project with a funding of 500 yen.Participants will then learn design thinking tools for entrepreneurship to come up with innovative business ideas, and learn value proposition which is very important for a successful business. Receive Hands-On Training and Practical Experience Developing a Business Model and Business Plan. Understand how to prepare a pitch and create a pitch deck. Master a proven framework to build & finance Your New Venture! Learn More. Engage with like-minded peers and work through real-world business scenariosPart 1 Introductory Hypothesis 1. How many customers? 2. How much for each unit? 3. Total sales (# of customers x price of each) 4. Investment return (total sales / 500 yen) 5. Understanding TAM ( Total Addressable Market) 6. Business Models 7. Value Proposition and JTBD ( Jobs -To-Be-Done)8. Personas and Design Thinking 9.Testing the market and validation of ideas by using design thinking.10. Retrospectives and synthesizing results.Main CoursePart 2 Startup BasicsIdentifying a New VentureLean Startup and Customer DevelopmentThe Business Model CanvasBusiness Model Innovation Best PracticesDesign Thinking & InnovationIdeation TechniquesTools and Prototyping- Prototyping Techniques for Products and ServicesValue Proposition Canvas & Design - Best PracticesCreating Value for Customers - Knowing your Customer - Empathy and Jobs-to-Be-DoneTesting Business Idea - Outcomes instead of OutputPMF Product Market Fit - Mind the ProductMarketing and ManagementMarket Segments - When to PIVOTCompetitive Analysis - Blue Ocean Strategy and 4-Actions FrameworkJoin in, get tickets now!Karl Burrow is an accomplished Consultant and Entrepreneur and President of Karllestone Capital, a Tokyo based management, strategy & innovation consulting, & Venture Capital for startups.www.karllestonecapital.comKEY STRENGTHS:An innovation catalyst for Business Model Innovation & Design for creating a blueprint & road-map for exponential growth, Digital Transformation, Customer Experience, Blockchain, Blue Ocean Strategy, Scenario Planning, Strategic Facilitation, Design Thinking, JTBD (Jobs-To-Be-Done)Adjunct Professor Keio Univ. Graduate School Entrepreneurship, Business Models and Startup & Lean Agile Startup.Adjunct Professor /New York Univ. Tokyo Marketing New Ventures.An original co-creator of the global bestseller book titled "BUSINESS MODEL GENERATION" A handbook for visionaries, game changers & challengers & "VALUE PROPOSITION DESIGN"Co-creator of the new book "Business Model You" for personal business models & coaching. カールストン キャピタル」の社長兼CEOを務めるカール・バロウは、20年以上にわたる金融・テクノロジー・グローバル・製造・消費財など幅広い領域における豊富な経験と実績を元に、2006年に同社を設立しました。設立以降、日本を代表するグローバル企業や外資系企業をはじめ政府機関等からも依頼を受け、ビジネスモデルイノベーション戦略構築を手掛けています。慶應義塾大学助教授New York University Tokyo- Adjunct Professor/Lecturer 《略歴》 メリーランド大学カレッジパーク校を卒業後、クレディスイス(旧ファースト・ボストン証券)にてテクノロジーとキャピタルマーケットのアナリストの経験を経てリーマンブラザーズ、バンカートラスト、シュローダーでの資産管理とアドバイザー、トロントドミニオンセキュリティ(国際法人部門)、アクサ、クレディスイス証券でプライベートバンキング部門ディレクターおよび投資マネージャーとして従事。その後、PWCにてCRM戦略と金融サービス領域のシニアコンサルタントとして活躍。既存のビジネスモデルの骨子を作成し、新しいビジネスモデルを作成するためのビジョナリーとデザイナーのためのハンドブックであるベストセラー書「BUSINESS MODEL GENERATION」の共作者。新刊「VALUE PROPOSITION DESIGN(How to Create Products & Services Customers Want)」の共著者であり、プレ・リーダーおよびアドバイザー。また、個人のビジネスモデル開発のための「Business Model You」の共作者。様々な業界で協働するスキルと豊富な経験を有し、T字型ジェネラリストとして熟練。アクセレレーターのプログラムでチームのコーチングを行う。  Contact