Descendants of Majie by Lee Kok Leong and Charmaine Leung 妈姐的后代 (广东妈姐作者李国樑和妈姐的孙女梁凤霞联合演讲) | Peatix,2011:1 2021-11-15T08:04:30+08:00 Peatix Singapore HeritageFest Descendants of Majie by Lee Kok Leong and Charmaine Leung 妈姐的后代 (广东妈姐作者李国樑和妈姐的孙女梁凤霞联合演讲),2016:event-162661 2016-05-01T14:00:00SGT 2016-05-01T14:00:00SGT Majie were a group of women who came to Singapore from Guangdong, China, in the early 20th century to be domestic housekeepers. Although majie usually took vows of celibacy and pledged not to marry for life, it was a common practice for them to adopt young daughters. Despite disappearing from the local scene in the 1980s, some majie still live in Chinatown today. Several “descendants” of majie have since stepped out to share their experiences. This engaging talk explores how and why majie came to Singapore, and why they chose to adopt and raise children of their own.This talk and sharing will be conducted in Mandarin.妈姐的后代 演讲人:李国樑(广东妈姐作者)和梁凤霞(妈姐的孙女) 新加坡曾经出现过一群性格坚韧的时代女性—妈姐。 妈姐来自广东农村,在异地贡献出最美丽的青春。在急促的城市变化中,徐徐老去的生命已经被逐渐遗忘。 上世纪30年代,英殖民地政府修改新加坡的移民政策,限制男性入境,中国女子取代男人出洋。在雇主眼中,白衣黑裤的妈姐是勤快、忠诚、信任的象征。对滞留家乡的父母侄甥而言,定期寄回家的衬衣汇款,是生命的希望。 妈姐受到家乡的习俗的影响,选择独身。她们将一生写在骨气里,淡定无求中体现了中华民族传统女性的高贵品质。 女人离乡背井讨生活,除了必须面对男人同样面对的乡情之外,还要学会保护自己,免受侮辱欺凌。那股逆境求存、坚守岗位的精神是值得永远牢记的本土文化资产。 有些妈姐会收养养女来伺侯她们终老,养女可以组织家庭,不需要延续梳起不嫁的习俗。在恭锡街长大的梁凤霞有位妈姐祖母,母亲则是妈姐的养女,恭锡街又是个曾经名噪一时的红灯区,生活经历增添了别具风味的篇章。梁凤霞将在讲座上跟大家分享一些现实故事。此讲座将以华语进行。 Updates,2016-04-27 14:51:30 2016-04-27 14:51:30 Title was changed to "Descendants of Majie by Lee Kok Leong and Charmaine Leung 妈姐的后代 (广东妈姐作者李国樑和妈姐的孙女梁凤霞联合演讲)". Orig#163784 Updates,2016-04-26 14:14:40 2016-04-26 14:14:40 The event description was updated. Diff#163578 Updates,2016-04-25 12:41:30 2016-04-25 12:41:30 The event description was updated. Diff#163389 Updates,2016-04-25 08:10:39 2016-04-25 08:10:39 Title was changed to "Descendants of Majie(妈姐的后代)by Lee Kok Leong and Charmaine Leung". Orig#163324 Updates,2016-04-25 08:09:54 2016-04-25 08:09:54 The event description was updated. Diff#163323