Mask Off with Jon Herrera on 'Feel to Heal' | Peatix,2011:1 2021-11-15T10:36:23+08:00 Peatix The Inside Job Mask Off with Jon Herrera on 'Feel to Heal',2020:event-1594744 2020-09-10T20:30:00SGT 2020-09-10T20:30:00SGT Men grow up being told to "Man up", "Boys don't cry", believing that to show emotions is a sign of weakness. Many grow up disconnected from their emotions, which leads to discomfort and dis-ease in adulthood. It is little wonder that anxiety, depression, insomnia rates are on the rise and suicide rates are higher amongst men. This Mask Off, join Celeste Chong and her guest Jon Herrera as they share on their experience and how you need to "Feel to Heal". Mask off is a new online 'coffee talk' series by The Inside Job, where we move beyond the usual questions and business struggle-success stories into stories of emotional and mental struggles, vulnerability, courage and change.Growing up we were taught to behave, speak, act and think a certain way in order to fit into society, to be liked, to be successful. Over time, we have gotten used to wearing different masks in the different roles we play. In doing so, we lose touch with our true nature. We feel alone in our challenges, fears and struggles because we rarely hear others talk about theirs.With honest open conversations, we shed light on the importance of emotional awareness and mental health. Deep down we have the same needs and fears. With our masks off, we are not so different after all.The event is free, the only requirement is for your video to be switched on. We would love to see your face! Please register with full name and email address, Zoom link to event will be sent to your email an hour prior to event.‹ About Jon Herrera Founder of Limitless Living ›Jon is a serial investor, entrepreneur, former DJ, and transformative coach. Born in Manila, raised in California, he moved back to Manila when he was 13. At 23, he co-founded Embassy (Manila's top nightclub), at 25 he had his own clothing line, retail brands and launched Status magazine. At 31 he got married and the things that he used to do didn't speak to him, he felt called to help others and took a leap of faith. At 34 he became a business and life coach, which he has been doing for 5 years now, teaching others to surpass their potential and reach their dreams.   ‹ About Celeste Chong, Founder of The Inside Job ›Co-founder of the now defunct Butter Factory, Celeste spent most of her adult life 'hustling' and numbing her emotions and avoiding discomfort until she reached a point when that stopped working and out of sheer desperation, exeperienced surrender and a moment of grace, and so began her journey into recovery and self discovery. She is a firm believer that unprocessed trauma, emotions and stress are huge contributors to dis-eases and increasing rates of anxiety and depression. With BodyTalk, inner work, meditation, and sound healing, she navigates her journey home. Through her experience she helps others journey home by enabling them to slow down, sink into their hearts, turn their attention inwards, and discover self. Because Happiness is an inside job.