M1 Patch! Play With... Skins | M1戏戏节!《玩:皮》 | Peatix tag:peatix.com,2011:1 2021-11-15T10:32:36+08:00 Peatix The Theatre Practice M1 Patch! Play With... Skins | M1戏戏节!《玩:皮》 tag:peatix.com,2020:event-1538087 2020-08-01T15:00:00SGT 2020-08-01T15:00:00SGT “When I dress someone, the first thing I consider is their personality, not their body shape.”Clothes are the skin you show the world. Join Fashion and Costume Designer Max Tan (MAX.TAN) on an exploration of dressing and self-expression. Known for his androgynous designs and signature deconstruction and draping techniques, Max is one of Singapore’s most established womenswear designers.Become both designer and model by creating “bespoke” garments using nothing but fabric and pins. Forget conventional fashion rules and have a conversation with your body instead. Find what works FOR YOU. Play With… Skins is an online experience and includes a set of workshop materials. "当我为别人设计服装或造型时,我会以他们的性格特徵为优先考量,而非他們的身材外型。”服装是我们展现给外界的皮肤,让我们一起透过时装设计师 Max Tan(MAX.TAN)的眼光,重新探索穿搭背后的学问,以及服装与自我表现之间的关系。Max以无性别的设计风格、擅长解构并突出服装自然垂荡美感的特色备受瞩目,是新加坡知名的女装设计师。用布料和别针制作出专属自己的“订制”服!抛开传统设计的窠臼,重新开启与自己身体的对话,找出专属”你“的风格。《玩:皮》提供参与者一场极具互动性的线上体验,并已包含工作坊所需的相关材料。Programme InformationDuration: 2 hoursSession is conducted in EnglishRecommended for ages 18 and up节目详情时长: 2小时活动以英语进行适合18岁及以上人士Ticket Details 1 Pax (Self-collection): $30 (includes one set of workshop materials and one Single Sign-On ID) 1 Pax (Delivery): $35 (includes one set of workshop materials and one Single Sign-On ID) 2 Pax (Self-collection): $50 (includes two sets of workshop materials and two Single Sign-On ID) 2 Pax (Delivery to one address): $55 (includes two sets of workshop materials and two Single Sign-On ID) 2 Pax (Delivery to two addresses): $60 (includes two sets of workshop materials and two Single Sign-On ID) 售票资讯 单人 (自取):$30(票价包含一套工作坊材料和一个单一登入ID) 单人 (邮寄):$35(票价包含一套工作坊材料和一个单一登入ID) 两人(自取):$50(票价包含两套工作坊材料和两个单一登入ID) 两人(邮寄到同一地址):$55(票价包含两套工作坊材料和两个单一登入ID) 两人 (邮寄到两个地址):$60 (票价包含两套工作坊材料和两个单一登入ID) Note More information on delivery and self-collection will be available at a later date. 特别提醒 有关邮寄和自取的详细资讯将于后续更新补充。 #tactileplay #artistplay #戏戏触觉 #戏戏艺术 About MAX.TANExperiments with quirk cuts and expanding on extremely simple ideas define the MAX.TAN language. Maximising on minimalistic ideas, this complex language results in details that are sometimes blown out of proportion. Much of the label’s attention is paid to tailoring and draping while creating unexpected silhouettes and austere moods. The garments play with volume, modified shapes and use, masculine, feminine, oversized, undersized, deconstruction, reconstruction and transformation.The label designed its first collection in 2010 and has since been featured on numerous international publications and participated on platforms such as Modefabriek (Amsterdam) and Who is on next? Dubai (organised by Vogue Italia) just to name a few. Besides designing for the bi-annual ready to wear collections, MAX.TAN has also extended its designing language into costume designs in theatre productions. In 2017, its second foray into costume design won Best Costume Design in the Life Theatre Awards, 2017.关于MAX.TAN本地设计师Max于2010年创立MAX. TAN品牌,他用奇形怪状的剪裁在极简的概念上进行大胆实验,是他独有的创作语言。他的品牌将注意力集中在剪裁和装饰上,即使产生的细节有时合比例,却也营造出意想不到的轮廓及简洁的氛围。这些服装具有分量、 多种形状和用途、男性化、女性化、 大小尺码、解构、重塑及转化的功能。品牌创立不久,就受到国际的青睐, 曾登上阿姆斯特丹Modefabriek时尚交易展、意大利《Vogue》主办的“Who is on Next? Dubai”等平台。除了为两年一度的成衣系列进行设计外,Max也将设计才华延伸到剧场制作,并荣获2017年“生活! 戏剧奖”中“最佳服装设计”的肯定。  Updates tag:peatix.com,2020-07-02 03:59:44 2020-07-02 03:59:44 The event description was updated. Diff#644311