新加坡华族舞蹈剧场 【舞在云端】“艺“上线 开放周 | 国际艺术教育周SINGAPORE CHINESE DANCE THEATRE [Dance on the Cloud] Open House | UNESCO International Arts Education Week | 25-31 May 2020 | Peatix,2011:1 2020-06-01T20:03:32+08:00 Peatix Singapore Chinese Dance Theatre 新加坡华族舞蹈剧场 【舞在云端】“艺“上线 开放周 | 国际艺术教育周SINGAPORE CHINESE DANCE THEATRE [Dance on the Cloud] Open House | UNESCO International Arts Education Week | 25-31 May 2020,2020:event-1495646 2020-05-26T19:00:00SGT 2020-05-26T19:00:00SGT 新加坡华族舞蹈剧场 【舞在云端】“艺“上线 开放周 | 国际艺术教育周SINGAPORE CHINESE DANCE THEATRE [Dance on the Cloud] Open House |UNESCO International Arts Education Week | 25-31 May 2020 Singapore Chinese Dance Theatre (SCDT) will be launching our Online (recreational) Chinese Dance Classes starting from June 2020 ,"Together We Embrace, Stronger We Rise" Donation Campaign.  From 26 May till 31 May, SCDT will hold its first E Open House with a series of online class available for trial.  This Open House is in conjunction with UNESCO International Arts Education Week. 新加坡华族舞蹈剧场(SCDT)将从2020年6月开始推出【舞在云端】"艺"上线, 《你我相伴 艺路同行》筹款活动。从5月26日至5月31日,SCDT将举行首届云端开放周,举办一系列线上试课课程,也同时为庆祝联合国教科文组织-国际艺术教育周。 E OPEN HOUSE SCHEDULE CLASS INTRODUCTION成人 (民族民间舞蹈班) Adult Class - Chinese Ethnic Folk Dance (Beginner)  为民族舞蹈爱好者提供学习平台,了解中国民族民间文化,地域环境,风俗等再由舞蹈通过自身理解去发挥感受民间舞蹈的色彩。 Specially designed for people with no dance background, pick up the basics of Chinese Ethnic Folk Dance and the culture behind it. Get on the beat and have fun learning and dancing with me. 成人(古典舞班)(中级) Adult Class – Classical Dance (Intermediate) 中国古典舞的动作优美,让人心动。此线上课邀请喜爱跳舞的朋友们,前来陶醉于这具有魅力的艺术!An interactive session for adults to immerse in and enjoy the graceful, exquisite art of Chinese Classical dance. 成人(舞蹈成品班) Adult Class - Chinese Dance Repertoire (Beginner) 成人舞蹈是针对成年人展开的舞蹈教学,包含民族民间舞、古典舞。作为一种有益身心健康的活动,它可以塑造出优美的身体曲线,同时也是缓解情绪增强体质的有益运动。学习舞蹈的意义就在于用轻松愉悦的氛围使练习者感受到乐趣。 Even without prior experience, one is never too old to start learning dance. Dance has many benefits – developing grace and control, a form of relaxation, and keeps you fit! DSA预考须知 (11– 12岁) What is DSA Preparation Class (Ages 11-12) DSA预考需要具备什么条件呢?我们的特长生预备班可以让您知道如何准备你的孩子参加DSA预考。 Want to let your child enroll in her dream school through Direct School Admission (DSA), but is unsure on how to prepare her? Let us share more about it with you, and offer our help to guide your child.儿童舞蹈 (7– 9岁) Children A’ Delight (Ages 7-9) 让孩子们通过音乐、动作、表情来表现生活的舞蹈,在舞蹈过程中能激发孩子们的想象力、自信心和增强孩子们的肢体协调性、注意力等方面,是促进儿童身心的健康成长。 Does your child get excited at the mention of “dance”? Join us for a dance session of movement, rhythm and expression training, and witness how dance enhances your child holistically, and delights all! 少年舞蹈班 Youth onSTAGE (Ages 13 – 17) 少年阶段是学习舞蹈的黄金时期,孩子在认知、判断、记忆等能力上都有一定的基础。在舞蹈课堂上,老师通过舞蹈来让身体“说话”。学员们跟随着音乐自由摆动身体、手脚,表达内心的感觉,从而在无形的学习过程中提高舞蹈技巧。 Have you always aspired to be that brightest star on stage? An insight of professional dance performing, find out what it entails to become an outstanding Chinese dancer and how you can train to become one!  舞武健身操 (5– 12岁) KUNGFU-Robic (Ages 5 – 12)“武舞”——从武术中吸取动作素材,武术从舞蹈中借鉴表现手法。两者各自将吸收借鉴来的方法,融入自身体系,促进自身的发展,加上轻快的旋律。让你们来感受不一样的“武舞韵律操”。 Combining both Chinese dance and Chinese martial arts, students will be introduced to basic aspects of Chinese martial arts (basic punches, kicks, jumps and somersaults), as well as learn to strike formidable poses and move to the rhythm of the music. 少儿启蒙班 (4–6 岁) First Step (Ages 4 – 6)是针对才接触舞蹈幼儿不能长时间集中注意力、好奇心强、缺乏身体协调性的特征,以激发孩子对舞蹈及音乐的兴趣,培养孩子的身体协调性及乐感,增强孩子的自信心为教学目的。 Specifically tailored for the young, this lively class is filled with music and fun! As they groove to the music, your little one will learn the rudiments of Chinese dance, improving her musicality and temperament! E Open House Event Photography and filming disclaimer Please note that photographs and footage will be taken throughout the classes during [Dance on the Cloud] Open House. These will be used by the SCDT for marketing and publicity in our publications, on our website and in socialmedia or in any third party publication. Please contact the event organiser if you have any concernsor if you wish to be exempted from recording. We will make necessary arrangement with you. About the Campaign - "Together We Embrace, Stronger We Rise" Donation CampaignSince early 2020, COVID-19 has caused much disruption to our lives. For SCDT, dance lessons have been suspended, rehearsals have been forced to a halt, and many of our events and shows have been postponed or even cancelled, causing direct financial losses and pushing us into the realm of uncertainty. This pandemic has also brought about much changes to our lives, how we learn, work, socialise, and even interact with the arts. Adapting to such a drastic change is hard, but necessary. Chinese dance, being an intangible culture tradition, forms part of our Chinese heritage in Singapore. As a company resolved to promote and develop this art form, SCDT sees a stronger need to hold on to and safeguard it, particularly during this difficult time.As we wait for the storm to pass, SCDT is committed to embracing these changes, embracing these challenges, and embracing technology to create and continue to bring the best of cultural arts to you in the era of the new norms. We hope that we can ride through this together and emerge stronger.Donations are eligible for 250% tax deduction. All proceeds from the sale of tickets for June Online Classes will be used to support Singapore Chinese Dance Theatre operation, manpower & facilities, and programme costs.Kindly visit for direct donation. 《你我相伴 艺路同行》筹款活动至2019冠状病毒疫情爆发以来,舞蹈剧场多数项目如演出及培训课程被迫喊停,收入严重收到影响并带给舞蹈剧场极度的挑战。这场全球大流行,也改变了人们的生活,如学习、办公、沟通、欣赏艺术等渠道与方式。在这艰难时期,华族舞蹈更加需要大家同心协力来维护这项新加坡的文化遗产。为了履行推广华族舞蹈为使命,我们将利用科技继续将这门艺术传递给大家。您的捐款可获得250%的扣税优惠。筹得的款项将帮用于舞蹈剧场接下来的活动及一切营运开支。直接捐款可登入。 Thank you.SCDT Admin. Updates,2020-05-27 15:05:35 2020-05-27 15:05:35 The event description was updated. Diff#600555 Updates,2020-05-27 05:40:57 2020-05-27 05:40:57 The event description was updated. Diff#599635 Updates,2020-05-27 04:53:47 2020-05-27 04:53:47 Title was changed to "新加坡华族舞蹈剧场 【舞在云端】“艺“上线 开放周 | 国际艺术教育周SINGAPORE CHINESE DANCE THEATRE [Dance on the Cloud] Open House | UNESCO International Arts Education Week | 25-31 May 2020". Orig#599539 Updates,2020-05-26 09:18:44 2020-05-26 09:18:44 The event description was updated. Diff#598536 Updates,2020-05-25 17:03:00 2020-05-25 17:03:00 The event description was updated. Diff#597370 Updates,2020-05-25 16:49:52 2020-05-25 16:49:52 The event description was updated. Diff#597369