SINCA SPECIAL #2 Debate | Peatix,2011:1 2021-11-15T10:53:45+09:00 Peatix sinca team SINCA SPECIAL #2 Debate,2020:event-1453481 2020-04-05T20:00:00JST 2020-04-05T20:00:00JST SINCA Special #2 Online Debate... コロナウィルスの影響で、外出自粛、在宅勤務などが進み、SINCAでも皆で集まって、セッションができない日が続いています。一方、zoomなどを使ってオンラインで会社の会議をしているところがとても多いようです。これまであまりデジタル化が進まなかった日本の状況をかなり変えつつあるように思うのですが、zoomなどオンライン会議は、よりtransparent、efficientになる、という命題でディベートをします。  いろいろなミーティングにしてしまうと広がりすぎるので、会社の会議としていますが、transparentとefficientはどのようにでも定義できるので、興味深いのではないか、と考えています。もちろん英語でやります。英語でのトピックは、  ”Meeting at companies will become transparent and efficient with use of digital platform such as Zoom.”です。先回19日にテストしたように肯定側と否定側にわかれてやるフォーマットで、もう少しリラックスした形(両チームがお互いに議論する時間を増やすなど)にする予定です。参加したい方は登録していただければ詳細の情報をお知らせします。  Because of Covid-19 outbreak, there are many things we are to follow- such as going out on weekends, and encouraged to work from home, etc.  After the successful and fun trial on Thursday, March 19, on the topic of Olympics, we want to make online session of SINCA as a part of SINCA series.    It appears the number of companies doing online meetings is increasing.  It is hoped that work style and meetings will undergo transformation with this practice.   It is also hoped digital transformation at companies will go faster.   Thus, our statement/topic this time for debate is:  "Meeting at companies will become transparent and efficient with use of digital platform such as Zoom.”   We want to limit meeting to “company meetings” rather than any meeting, because it gets too broad, At the same time, we want to  leave room to define “transparent and efficient” in a way you want. We will follow the procedure of  dividing people into Affirmative and Negative teams, and follow debate format-Affirmative defines the terms of topic and each group take turns to argue for their own position.  We plan to have longer discussion time between two teams so that we can involve more people in the process.  Please register if you want to join, either as member of the debate team or observer/judge.  We will inform details to those who register.