DoMyWriting #1 | Peatix,2011:1 2019-11-01T12:07:01-04:00 Peatix dorishall DoMyWriting #1,2019:event-1329041 2019-10-25T09:00:00EST 2019-10-25T09:00:00EST You have devoted the last four years to researching, studying, and toiling for grades. But with graduation comes the question, "Now what? What are my next steps?" Perhaps you will begin your dream job. Perhaps you will start paying your student loans. However, many recent college graduates face a different reality. Your life may resemble an endless parade of part-time positions that may or may not be related to your field - and may or may not be paid. You may live with multiple roommates or with your parents.But you must stay optimistic and hopeful! Here are a few strategies to help you navigate the very real world you now inhabit:Consider experience before compensationThe professional world has become far more dynamic, with essay writer and remote staff, shifting positions and schedules, etc. In fact, the temporary employment industry has grown in recent years.Take advantage of this market by becoming a dynamic employee. Aim to constantly learn new skills - explore various departments within a company or hold multiple jobs simultaneously.Yes, your compensation may be significantly lower, but you may also become more valuable than an individual who specializes in one position, in one field, refusing to try out other opportunities.Keep an open mindIt is important to follow your passions and to recognize where you truly excel. But if you are struggling to find employment, it may be time to instead ask yourself what someone needs you to do. When you begin to mold your education and skills around that premise, you may find that unanticipated work avenues will open up to you. You may have no choice but to accept a position that requires you to do something that you swore you never would do. Keep in mind, however, that it may be all too simple to eventually change roles (or to benefit from a promotion) a few years later. Occasionally, you must enter a field before you can select the specific job that you would like. And in the meantime, you may discover hidden passions!Consider working for a college or universityA position with an institute of higher education may not have been an option you considered initially, but many schools offer free or significantly discounted tuition to their employees. You may need to stay on for a certain number of years, but in that time, you can pursue a degree without adding to your mountain of existing debt. More education and more achievements to add to your resume can certainly help your current situation!Return to schoolThis may be your last resort, but nevertheless, it can be a sensible option for the right situation. Numerous recent graduates go back to college or university, hoping to earn a more valuable degree. If you do return to school, ask yourself very honest, reflective questions to make sure you do not end up in the same situation two or three years later. Did you pick the right degree? Should you have studied in a different field? Did you do everything you truly could to find a job? Ensure you are doing this for the right reasons, and not just to escape a tough reality.