Managing Millennials @ Work | Peatix,2011:1 2021-11-15T10:23:15+08:00 Peatix Vivek Managing Millennials @ Work,2019:event-1299204 2019-08-28T12:00:00SGT 2019-08-28T12:00:00SGT Managing and Mentoring MillennialsA recent Gallup study revealed that 87% of millennials seek learning and career development opportunities in the workplace. They have a short attention span. They also appreciate being engaged, rewarded and afforded flexible working arrangements. Companies which employ these strategies have happier, more productive millennials and keep them much longer. According to a study conducted by Pew Research, millennials have surpassed both Gen Xers and Boomers as the largest generation in the workforce and are rising rapidly through the ranks. At this pivotal moment, Millennial Managers are expected to oversee the performance of millennials, Gen-Xers and boomers together within the same teams and organizations.The challenge remains in attracting, retaining and engaging these tech-savvy talents in an age of A.I and Automation. In this Focus Group Discussion, we will discuss on these specific topics and answer specific doubts and challenges related to the Millennial Generation.Who Should Attend?- HUMAN RESOURCE PROFESSIONALS*- SME BUSINESS OWNERS* This Focus Group Discussion is organised only for SME Business Owners and Human Resource Professionals.We reserve the right to deny entry to applicants we deem unfit for this event to ensure a focused discussionSPEAKERVivek IyyaniVivek is the Founder of Millennial Minds Pte Ltd. As the author of the book, Empowering Millennials, he has been featured on different media including Channel NewsAsia, Vasantham and the Radio. He has trained over 10,000 Millennials over the ASEAN region and has spent the past decade studying this generation. Vivek is known for helping organisations improve engagement and retention of the Millennial staff. Some clients that he has worked with include Johnson & Johnson, & DELTA Airlines.  Watch his Singapore Story here and Conditions** Seats limited to 30 only. Register now to avoid disappointment**** Food & Refreshments will NOT be provided. Please have lunch before attending **** We reserve the right to deny entry to applicants that we deem unfit to attend this program. ** ** Applicants with incomplete or incorrect details will not be processed **** Photos and Videos taken during this session may be used for marketing purposes**