Taiwan Documentary Showcase: The Moment 50 Years of Golden Horse 那时.此刻 | Peatix tag:peatix.com,2011:1 2019-10-31T04:45:21+08:00 Peatix Singapore Film Society Taiwan Documentary Showcase: The Moment 50 Years of Golden Horse 那时.此刻 tag:peatix.com,2015:event-116464 2015-10-03T16:00:00SGT 2015-10-03T16:00:00SGT THE MOMENT 50 YEARS OF GOLDEN HORSE《那时.此刻》Dir. Yang Li Chou 杨力州2015 | Taiwan | Mandarin/ Hokkien with English subtitles | 110min | NC16 – Some Coarse Language 些许粗俗语言*Q&A with producer Michelle Chu 朱詩倩 监制映后交流Synopsis:In 2013, the Golden Horse Film Festival celebrated its 50th anniversary. The ministry of Culture commissioned director Yang Li-chou to make a documentary about the history of Golden Horse. What is unique to this film is that it's not an ode to celebrities but about the role cinema plays in ordinary people's lives. It's a love letter to cinema, filmmakers and audiences. 2013年,金马奖热闹感动地庆祝走过半世纪。文化部也委请杨力州导演拍摄「金马50」纪录片。请放心,这不是一部歌功颂德的报导,也不是金马奖的历史简报,从经典到潮流、强人到百姓,每个人的金马故事,汇流成这条浩瀚蜿蜒的电影长河。 精彩的不只是影坛耆老坦承当年恩怨,或是电影运动背后的筚路蓝缕,更特别的是庶民 观点的加入:面临台湾经济转型,离乡背井打工的少女如何藉由文艺爱情片寄託青春梦想;国难当头时,热血男儿受爱国电影激励立志从军。他们仍会为了电影哭、电影笑的反应,对比时下宅男与心仪女星的纯情初相逢,突然没有了代沟。这是一封写给电影的情书,拍电影和看电影的,在这里穿越银幕与时间的限制,同在一起。 Trailer for THE MOMENT Updates tag:peatix.com,2015-09-15 10:10:09 2015-09-15 10:10:09 The event description was updated. Diff#116326