JS Build Script - Grunt & Gulp (workshop style) | Peatix tag:peatix.com,2011:1 2019-10-31T04:17:19+08:00 Peatix #miratisu JS Build Script - Grunt & Gulp (workshop style) tag:peatix.com,2015:event-112617 2015-09-09T18:30:00MYT 2015-09-09T18:30:00MYT Alas, we reached the last event of our JavaScript series and it's going to be GOOD! We are going to chat about Gulp.js and Grunt.js. What is to be expected this round? Requirement: Bring your own laptop with node.js pre-installedPrologue - Examples of how task automation makes your life easierWorkshop:- InstallationTask 1: Automate JavaScript CSS minificationTask 2: Automate Transformation (i.e. Jade 2 HTML, Coffee Script / typescript to JavaScript)Task 3: Automate image compressionTask 4: Automate JavaScript linting (i.e. jshint, eslint)Task 5: Watch changesTask 6: Live ReloadDon't you think Ghis (our awesome speaker) profile picture below looks almost like he's part of the portrait? Great touch-up! p.s. For more info of this event and WWC KL, check out out facebook page here.p.p.s We are so grateful this round to have SEEK Asia (parent company of Jobstreet and JobsDB) to sponsor us good food! NO MORE PIZZA peeps! Updates tag:peatix.com,2015-08-27 14:41:30 2015-08-27 14:41:30 The event description was updated. Diff#112673