ISLAND PRIVATE BEACH GETAWAY #10 (SEPTEMBER) | Peatix,2011:1 2019-09-11T10:37:28+09:00 Peatix Osaka Food Tours, Inc. ISLAND PRIVATE BEACH GETAWAY #10 (SEPTEMBER),2019:event-1064176 2019-09-07T08:30:00JST 2019-09-07T08:30:00JST 日本語下にありますHave you ever been on a spectacular private beach...on an island??This beach also has 300 Hectares of land have been in the same family for generations....most of the forest has never been trekked though....THIS IS ABSOLUTE NATURE, AS IT IS.45~60 people will go on this "once in a life time trip".Do you love music??? I hope so, cause we will have live music around the campfire during the night.....a sound system, Japanese traditional taiko, drums, guitar etcPLEASE PLEASE PLEASE CHECK OUT OUR INCREDIBLE PHOTOS FOR THE LAST 5 YEARS OF THIS GETAWAY: OUT THIS AMAZING VIDEO THAT WAS TAKEN LAST TRIP!!!! WE HAD 53 PEOPLE COME LAST TIME: of my friends owns an incredible private beach on a nearby island called Shodoshima!!!!!!!If you look there are lots of bird life, monkeys, peacocks, deer, wild boar etc in the forest...... Amazing diversity of fish in the water too!...hope to catch lots of fish too.ACTIVITIES YOU CAN DO:🌟Hiking (surrounded by forest)🌟Canoeing (5 canoes available)🌟Badminton (Have full size net)🌟Swimming (crystal clear water)🌟Volleyball (Have full size net)🌟Fishing (a few rods are available)🌟Kayaking (2 kayaks available)🌟Spear fishing (2 spear fishing guns)NOTE: All equipment will be provided FREE of charge !!!!FOOD:All the main meals will be provided when on the island.Also ALL snacks will be provided throughout the day, on all days (crisps, popcorn and taco chips etc.)SaturdayLunch: Fresh Chicken and Salad Roll (2 each)Dinner: Thai/Japanese curry.... We`ll catch some fish too!!SundayBreakfast: Variety of Cereal and fruits.Lunch: Sayonara BBQ- Hotdogs (2 or 3 each)WEATHER:Im sure the weather will be fine BUT if its not we have a HUGE indoors area.....HUGE living room space in a couple of building!!! THIS SPACE CAN EASILY FIT 70 PEOPLE COMFORTABLY:)WHERE AND WHEN:Meet at Umeda at 8:30amWe will meet at Umeda Hankyu Station ( 2nd floor) near the gates at 8:30am . There will be 50 people there waiting so its easy to see us:)HOW WE WILL GET THERE:We will get the train to Kobe.Then a boat from the Kobe teriminal.After we will go on a hike (takes 1.5hr). If you dont want to take the easy hike to the beach we have spaces in the car and truck.Everyones bag will be loaded into the car. You will NOT walk with your luggage...we will put it in a mini truck.PARTICIPATION FEE:2days/ 1 night: 9500yen Includes use of ALL sports equipment, ALL food and snacks when at the beachThis is an amazingly affordable price. I just want everyone to get an opportunity to come!!!!:)The train and ferry ticket is NOT included.Here are the online details to buy your ticket:) If you went on a tour you would pay over 40000yen....... With this group its ONLY 9500yen.Lets enjoy the summer on a island private beach paradise:)CONTACT:(Andy) by FACEBOOK: Please contact me with MANY questions....i encourage it!!!:) Cellphone 080-7012-2238HOUSING:There are 2 cottages (fits 6 people each) and a large main house (3 levels high, with 4 large rooms) where people will be sleeping. Just bring a sleeping bag as you will sleep on the tatami.The rooms will be SEPARATED into girls and boys.Some people will want to sleep on the beach around the camp fire.....Some people will not sleep at all hahaha.ATTENDEE DETAILS:• 45~60 people• Usually between 21 - 35 years old.• Half foreigners and half Japanese.• Almost everyone will come by themselves. This is a place to meet NEW FRIENDS. It's ok! Our staff will introduce you to others if its your first time at our event:) So dont be shy!!• Come and learn some English and/or JapaneseHONESTLY ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PLACES I HAVE EVER BEEN!!!!ようこそ:)音楽好きですか。この旅行のテーマは音楽です。太鼓とか、ギターする人と歌手来るよ。もちろん何もしないで、見れるよ:)私は楽器が下手だから、見るだけ(笑)。もし太鼓とかギター弾きたいかったら、いいよ:)#英語話さなくていい。前回何人か英語全然話さなかったよ。私は日本に暮らして五年半になって、すごく優しくてええ人会った。友達のなかで一人は小豆島で自分のプライベートビーチを持っています。50人(25日本人、25人外国人)はこの素晴らしい経験できます。すげープライベート・ビーチ行ったことありますか。前回の旅行の写真はここです(60枚あります)アクティビティ:🌟ハイキング(surrounded by bushland)🌟Canoeing (5 canoes available)🌟バッドミントン(Have proper net)🌟水泳 (crystal clear water)🌟バレーボール (Have a proper net)🌟釣 (a few rods are available)🌟カヤック (2 kayaks available)🌟スピーヤフィシング Spear fishing (2 spear fishing guns)#全部道具は無料で使えます:)ご飯:ビーチにいる時に、全部食べ物付き。土曜日昼ごはん:チキンとサラダのロール晩ご飯:タイカレー日曜日朝ごはん:いろんなシリアルと果物昼ごはん:バーベキュー(ホットドッグ二つ)#スナック丸一日出します。(ポテトチップスとかポップコーンとかタコスチップスなど)どこ、いつ?阪急梅田駅の2階で午前8:30時に待ち合わせです。でかい看板持つので、分かりやすいです。どう小豆島へ行く?大阪の阪急梅田駅から電車で神戸の三ノ宮駅まで行きます。その後フェリー乗ります。小豆島着いた時、一時間半ハイクします。したくなかったら、車に乗れますよ。皆さんのカバンが車に入る:)参加費一泊二日9500円ですこれはすごくいい値段だと思います。私は皆が来る機会あって欲しい。電車とフェリーの交通費付いていません。全部のスポーツ用品とフードとスナックが付いてる:)オンラインチケット今から買えるよ。もし普通のツアーでこの旅行したら、絶対四万以上払う。私のグループの値段は9500円だけです。夏だ!海だ!二日は9500円連絡先なんでも質問聞いてください:) (日本語大丈夫です)(アンディ) FACEBOOK:携帯 080-7012-2238本気、このプライベートビーチはきれいな所の一つです!!!!IMPORTANT INFORMATION🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 ( 日本語下にあります。 8:30am from Umeda HANKYU Station ( 2nd floor near the gates). Note: If you want to meet at Kobe we will be at Pier 3 in Kobe. Make sure you are there by 10:15amRETURN TRIP: We will arrive at Kobe at 20:45 on Sundayor in person at one of my events. Putting you name down on the list on Meetup or Facebook DOE NOT ENSURE YOUR PLACE. ITS JUST THE FIRST 45~60 WHO PAY FIRST GO.ACOMMODATION: We will be sleeping on carpet in a house or cabin. The rooms will NOT be mixed. Guys will have their own rooms and girls will have their own rooms!!-There is a shower with running hot water.-There is electricity to charge your phone and one large fridge.皆、小豆島わくわくしてるの?:)あなたがまだたくさんの質問がありますな~。 ここで答えます。出発/待ち合わせ8:30に梅田の阪急駅(2階)で待ち合わせです。 帰り 日曜日に神戸で20:45に着きます。参加費は 二つのオプションがあります。宿泊・カーペットか畳の上に寝ます・シャワー(おゆ)あります。・電気(携帯じゅうでんできる)と冷蔵庫もあります。PARTICIPANT`S LIST OF THINGS TO BRING 持ち物リストPERSONAL(個人)__Shower shoes/flip flops  ビーチサンダル__Towels/washcloth     タオル大 小__Soap in plastic case/shampoo  石鹸シャンプーリンス類__Tooth brush/tooth paste   歯ブラシ・歯磨き粉__Feminine products      生理用品__Personal medications – take extra  常用している薬などBEDDING(睡眠)__Sleeping bag  寝袋 CLOTHING(衣服)__Shoes/boots   歩きやすい靴__Jeans/pants   長ズボン__Shorts      着替え__Socks/extra socks  靴下__Hat        帽子_Sweatshirt/jacket ジャケット(夜涼しい時があります)__Sleep clothes   寝間着__Rain gear     雨ガッパ__Swim suit/towel  水着・タオルMICELLANEOUS (雑貨)__Own extra snacks           お子様が食べたいおやつ__Own sports equipment         好きなスポーツ用具__Sunscreen               日焼け止め__ Sunglasses              サングラス