You are looking at the older event information at May 8, 2015, 1:38:20 PM.
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6/12 iTSCOM STUDIO & HALL 二子玉川ライズ / iTSCOM STUDIO & HALL Futakotamagawa Rise

6/12 iTSCOM STUDIO & HALL 二子玉川ライズ / iTSCOM STUDIO & HALL Futakotamagawa Rise

◆TOURISM-A 11:20-13:10

第四回観光映像大賞授賞式 / The 4th Visual Tourism Award

W&P 13:30-15:20

戦争と生きる力プログラム supported by 赤十字 / War and the Power To Live Program supported by Red Cross

QUEBEC 15:40-17:30

ケベック特集 supported by サグネ国際短編映画祭 / Focus on Quebec supported by Saguenay International Short Film Festival

◆UK 17:50-19:40

イギリス特集 / Focus on UK

◆FRANCE 20:00-21:50

フランス映画祭~短編作品集 / French Film Festival - Short Film Selection

プログラム詳細はオフィシャルサイト/For details please refer to official website.



*Please note that account holders can reserve a maximum of two tickets per program, but may make reservations for as many different programs as desired without limitation

*You will need to exchange your Peatix reservation receipt for a numbered admission tickets at the counter on the day of screening, no later than five minutes before the screening starts. We’ll start the exchange for the numbered admission tickets at each venue on the day of the screening, from 20 minutes before the first program of the day opens. IF you do not exchange for your numbered admission tickets at least five minutes before your selected screening starts, your reservation will be cancelled. You will not be admitted without a numbered admission ticket.

お申込みシステムのお問い合わせ(Peatix System Inquiry)

イベント内容のお問い合わせ(Festival Inquiry) 03-5474-8844