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Nike’s swoosh logo with the catchphrase “Just Do It”, twitter with its bluebird, Michael Jackson’s moonwalking dancemove, Batman’s bat symbol on his costume, heck even restaurants around Malaysia have their own way of making nasi lemak. These trademarks make a certain entity unique. It’s what makes you, you. It’s your company’s significant asset.

Nike’s swoosh logo with the catchphrase “Just Do It”, twitter with its bluebird, Batman’s bat symbol on his costume and many more awesome trademarks. These trademarks make a certain entity unique. It’s what makes you, you. It’s your company’s significant asset.

As you know, your trademark is the face of your brand. Naturally, something so prominent needs to be chosen carefully, lest your brand or business be stuck with an unfortunate trademark. Don’t want that to happen? Well neither do we. That’s why we’ll show you how to choose a trademark that is smart, catchy and strong!

Course description:

Expect an evening of experiential activities, lectures and participative discussions and exercises, designed to help you understand how your choice of a trademark can dictate the life of your business and discover the best types of trademarks from both a legal and marketing perspective.

Who should attend:

Entrepreneurs & business owners

  • Newbies (In business)

  • Interested Parties

    Trainer profile:

    Vincent Teh
    (Assistant Manager of Trademarks & Designs Division, KASS International.)

    Vincent Teh
    (Assistant Manager of Trademarks & Designs Division, KASS International.)

    Upon graduating with an LL.B (Hons) from the University of Nottingham, Vincent immersed himself in the world of IP and managed the overseas trademark department at an IP firm prior to joining KASS, giving him a wealth of experience in dealing with a global portfolio of clients within various industries.

    When and where?

    Date: 8th April 2015 (Wednesday)

    Time: 7.30PM - 10.00PM

    Venue: Dewan Mahkota, Level 5, Block B, Platinum Sentral, SME Corp Malaysia

    [Google Map link:]

    [Google Map link:]

    Event Agenda



    7.30 pm

    Registration & Mingle

    8.00 pm


    8.15 pm

    Workshop commences

    10.00 pm

    Event concludes

    What’s RISE Workshop about?

    RISE Workshop is a hands-on workshop where we’ll equip you with the necessary skill set to help you and your ventures grow. Each workshop features:

    Technique sharing - Expert trainers that will share the best practices, skills and techniques that can be used to turn a good venture into a great one.

    At RISE, we’d like to foster a culture of giving before receiving. Do you have an opportunity you would like to share? Post it up our Give & Take Board and let other attendees respond!