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NHK放送 決定 (4/5・12、4/11・18)

番組名:「こころの時代」NHK Eテレ 【ティク・ナット・ハン特集 全2回】 



※ 詳細は本サイトの最後に掲載。

◆ティク・ナット・ハン&プラムヴィレッジ僧侶団 来日ツアー2015


※ 「来日ツアー2015」の全イベント日程表は、本サイトの一番下に掲載します。

「 マインドフルネス講演会 」 英語講演 (日本語通訳あり)




それに先立ちまして、ゲストのお二方、青山俊董老師(愛知専門尼僧堂堂長) による「歓迎の辞」と、蓑輪顕量先生(東京大学大学院教授)による「プラムヴィレッジ来日の意義」、そして33名のプラムヴィレッジ僧侶団によるチャンティングを予定しています。


「 Happiness Is The Way

~幸せへの道はない、幸せこそが道だから~ 」





             ティク・ナット・ハン 「ブッダの幸せの瞑想」より








100冊以上の著書は30カ国語に翻訳され、多くがベストセ ラーとなっている。現在、プラムヴィレッジは欧州最大の僧院となっている。


【 ティク・ファプ・アン師











【 ティク・ファプ・アン師からのメッセージ




【 ティク・ファプ・アン師からのメッセージ




◆チャンティング 南無観世音菩薩(ナモアヴァロテキシュバラ)の朗唱






14:00( 開場)

15:00 開演 

       歓迎の辞 : 青山俊董老師(愛知専門尼僧堂堂長)

       プラムヴィレッジ来日の意義 : 蓑輪顕量先生(東京大学大学院教授)

16:00  チャンティング  : プラムヴィレッジ僧侶団

16:30  法話       :  ティク・ファプ・アン師

18:30 (終了)

※ 終了後、シビックホール1階ホワイエにて、ティク・ナット・ハン師の著作本や、プラムヴィレッジ公式グッズの販売を予定しております。


青山俊董 1933年、愛知県生まれ。1976年より愛知専門尼僧堂堂長。1984年より特別尼僧堂堂長、正法寺住職、無量寺住職を兼務。2006年、女性では二人目の仏教伝道功労賞を受賞。2009年、曹洞宗の僧階「大教師」に尼僧として初めて昇任。参禅指導、講演、執筆、また茶道・華道の教授として、禅の普及に努めている。著書は各国で翻訳され、欧米でも反響をよんでいる。

蓑輪顕量 1960年、千葉県生まれ。博士(文学)。現在、東京大学大学院教授。専門は日本の仏教、仏教思想史。伝統的な戒律と大乗独自の菩薩戒が融合し、日本の仏教界に受容された点を考察。のちに「止」と「観」と呼ばれる瞑想が、東アジア世界において歴史的にどのように受容され、さらに新しい展開を生み出したのかを探求。またそれらと現代との繋がりを問題意識としてもつ。









"Peatix" アプリをダウンロードしてください。アプリ内に購入したチケット(QRコード)が表示されますので、そちらを入場時ご提示ください。




【ティク・ナット・ハン&プラムヴィレッジ僧侶団 来日ツアー2015 全日程】

〈主催〉 ティク・ナット・ハン2015来日招聘委員会

〈協力〉 一般社団法人 在日ベトナム仏教信者会 / 日新窟

4/29(水・祝) マインドフルネス講演会

5/2(土)〜5/6() 4拍5日 富士山麓リトリート (瞑想合宿)

5/9(日) マインドフルネス ビジネス業界向け一日瞑想会

5/10() 医療・心理関係者のためのマインドフルネス研修会

5/10() マインドフルネス・アワー  (ネットでつなぐ瞑想の輪)

5/11() ティク・ナット・ハン vs 日本の青年僧100名 対話会 (すでに締め切りました)

5/12() ベトナムデー (在日ベトナム・コミュニティのための瞑想&法話会)

若者向け一日瞑想会 WAKE UP (日程はHPで)

※ 以上 すべてのイベントの詳細・お申込み窓口は、コチラのHPからどうぞ。




「ティク・ナット・ハン師の仏教思想と実践」( 4/144/164/21 三回講座)

・「ティク・ナット・ハン師の仏教思想と実践」( 4/144/164/21 三回講座)

講師 : 藤田一照 / 山下良道 / 蓑輪顕量


・ブックフェアー 「ティク・ナット・ハン師の教え」



番組名:「こころの時代」NHK Eテレ 【仮題:ティク・ナット・ハン特集 全2回】 

4月5日(日)朝5時~6時 再放送:4月11日(土)午後1~2

4月12日(日)朝5時~6時 再放送:4月18日(土)午後1~2時

Thich Nhat Hanh & Plum Village Monastics - Japan Tour 2015

Nobel Peace Prize candidate, global Buddhist monk and spiritual leader, Thich Nhat Hanh is the guru of mindfulness. He strongly wished to teach at the “Japan tour 2015”, but at the end of last year, he suddenly fell ill. A delegation of 33 monastics will come to Japan on his behalf while he is steadily recovering.

※ The complete event calendar of the "Japan Tour 2015" is posted at the bottom of this page.

"Mindfulness Public Talk"

The “Mindfulness public talk” will be the opening event of the two-week “Japan Tour 2015”. In place of Thich Nhat Hanh, who is recovering from his illness, the talk will be given by one of his elder disciples, Thich Phap An. Thich Phap An will travel all the way to Japan from the European Institute of Applied Buddhism in Germany. As an elder monk of Plum Village, he will give a two hours’ public talk on mindfulness entitled ”Happiness is the Way.”

Prior to the public talk, Ven. Shundō Aoyama (Abbess of Aichi Nunnery) will give welcoming remarks, and Prof. Kenryō Minowa (Tokyo University) will give opening remarks on "Significance of Plum Village Visit to Japan". Thereafter, the accompanying monastics will perform a chanting.

◆Public Talk Theme

Happiness Is The Way

The mind can go in a thousand directions.

But on this beautiful path, I walk in peace.

With each step, a gentle wind blows.

With each step, a flower blooms.

Thich Nhat Hanh

【Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh】

Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh is a global spiritual leader, poet and peace activist, revered throughout the world for his powerful teachings and bestselling writings on mindfulness and peace. Born in central Vietnam in 1926, Thich Nhat Hanh became a novice monk at the age of sixteen. Thich Nhat Hanh received the ‘lamp transmission’ as a dharma teacher of the Lieu Quan Dharma Line in the 42nd generation of the Lam Te Dhyana school (“Lin Chi Chan” in Chinese or “Rinzai Zen” in Japanese).

In the 1960s, during the Vietnam War, he dedicated himself to anti-war activities to make the case for peace and to call for an end to hostilities. Dr. Martin Luther King nominated him for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1967.

In 1982 he founded “Plum Village”, a community/monastery based on the teachings of mindfulness, and strengthened his activities to relieve the suffering of people. He has been invited all over the world to lead retreats and teach mindfulness meditation. Plum Village is now the West’s largest and most active Buddhist monastery

Thich Nhat Hanh has published over 100 titles on meditation, mindfulness and Engaged Buddhism, as well as poems, children’s stories, and commentaries on ancient Buddhist texts. His books have been translated into 30 languages, many of which have become bestsellers.

◆Biography of Ven.Thich Phap An

Ven. Thích Pháp Ấn (Dharma Seal), is one of the elder disciples of Zen Master Thích Nhất Hạnh. He was ordained as a novice monk in 1992 at the age of twenty-nine. He received his Bhikshu Ordination in 1994 and received the Dharma Lamp from Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh in 1999. He had the honor to represent the Zen Master and Plum Village tradition at the Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders organized at the United Nations headquarter in New York in 2000 and at the First World Buddhist Forum organized in Hangzhou City and Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province, China in 2006. Since 1995, he has led many retreats worldwide and presently is the Director and Dean of Studies at the European Institute of Applied Buddhism, in Germany. With wisdom and compassion, he has vast desire to love humanity and to empower others to manifest their innate nature to love too. He is well disciplined in up keeping the rules of the dharma, following the wisdom of the Patriarchs. He is greatly respected by his Master and his dharma brothers and sisters for his utmost loyalty and reverence for the Plum Village practice

Before becoming a monastic, as a high school student, he had represented the State of Texas, USA for its National Mathematical Olympiad, received different mathematical prizes for submitting solutions to various national mathematical journals and contests. He received a BS in Chemical Engineering with High Honors at the University of Texas at Austin in 1985, an MS in Chemical Engineering in 1988 and a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in 1990. He was a Research Fellow at ARCO Oil and Gas Research Center in Texas and worked as a Post-doctoral Research Assistant in the Mechanical Engineering Department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Avalokitesvara chanting

For the first time in Japan, you can listen to the beautiful chanting of a delegation of 30 monks from Plum Village.

The Avalokitesvara chanting is always performed before a dharma talk at the opening of a retreat. Through the repeated chanting of Avalokitesvara, the collective energy of the prayer, combimed with the beautiful melody, will clean the mind of listeners.

Programme (subject to change)

14:00 Doors open

15:00 Opening

Welcoming remarks: Ven. Shundō Aoyama (Abbess of Aichi Nunnery)

Opening remarks: Prof. Kenryo Minowa (Tokyo University) "Significance of Plum Village Visit to Japan":

16:00 Avalokitesvara Chanting: Plum Village monks and nuns

16:30 Public Dharma Talk: Ven. Thich Phap An

18:30 End

※ After the event, books by Thich Nhat Hanh and official Plum Village goods will be on sale in the First Floor Foyer of the Civic Hall.


Shundō Aoyama Born in 1933, in Aichi Prefecture. From 1976 she is the abbess of the Aichi Nunnery. In 2006, she was the second woman to be awarded the Buddhist Missionary Achievement Award.

In addition to being a Zen master, she also teaches tea ceremony, and flower arrangements as well as giving lectures and writing books. Her books have been translated in various languages, and had impact on the readership in the West.


Kenryō Minowa Born in 1960, in Chiba Prefecture. Holds a Ph.D. in literature, and is currently professor at the Graduate School of Tokyo University. He specializes in Japanese Buddhism, and Buddhist intellectual history.

◆Please note

- Purchased tickets cannot be cancelled or changed.

- For ticket purchase, the Peatix online ticketing service can be used. After your purchase is completed, an order confirmation email will be sent to the registered email address, and you can access your tickets in one of the following ways:

(if you purchased tickets through a convenient store/ATM (within Japan only), the order confirmation email will be sent about two hours later.)


For smooth entry on the day of the event, please prepare your ticket in one of the following ways:

- [By Smartphone] Access your ticket on your smartphone. Download Peatix app. In the app your ticket (QR-code) will be displayed. Show this QR-code when arriving at the event.  

- –[By Personal Computer/Smartphone] Access your ticket on your computer (or browser of your smartphone). Log into the Peatix website. Access your ticket (QR-code) and print it out. Bring the printout and show it at the entrance.

Check “How a Peatix ticket works” for more information about Peatix tickets.

【Thich Nhat Hanh & Monastics from Plub Village -Japan Tour 2015】

4/29 (Wed) Mindfulness public talk

5/2 (Sat) - 5/6 (Wed) Retreat at Mt. Fuji

5/9 (Sun) Day of Mindfulness for Business-people

5/10 (Sun) Mindfulness workshop for Health Care Professionals

5/10 (Sun) Mindfulness Hour (through the Internet)

5/11 (Mon) Dialogue between Thich Nhat Hanh and 100 young Japanese monasticss - (deadline already passed)

5/12 (Tue) Vietnam Day (meditation and Dharma talk for Vietnamese Community in Japan)

Youth program: one day meditation WAKE UP (schedule on homepage)

For more information and registration for the events in the above, please check the following website: