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Hear Red Bull, we think of high adrenaline sports (skydiving, motorcycles, surfing, snowboarding, X games). But do any of these really have anything to do with a caffeinated, sugary energy drink? They do in the minds of the target - us! That’s because Red Bull has made the product all about the experience. How does that compare with your marketing plan?

Over a decade ago, business marketing plans are as simple as making a decent product, spend on advertising, and sit back to watch profits roll in. It was about convincing consumers your offer is a better offer. Fast forward, the internet changed everything today. Modern marketing is personalised - not because companies try to create new customers. More importantly, because big brands are demonstrating that their brand fits your lifestyle.

Experience RISE Talks January & find out how SMEs in the creative industry get their magic to work for businesses' marketing plan.

When and where?

Date: 20th January 2015 (Tuesday)

Time: 7.30PM - 10.00PM

Venue: Dewan Mahkota, Level 5, Block B, Platinum Sentral, SME Corp Malaysia

[Google Map link:]

Event Agenda




7.30pm - 8.00pm

30 minutes

Registration & mingle

8.00pm - 8.15pm

15 minutes


8.15pm - 8.35pm

20 minutes

Topic insights

8.35pm - 9.35pm

60 minutes

Panel discussion

9.35pm - 9.55pm

20 minutes


9.55pm - 10.00pm

5 minutes

Appreciation round & wrap up

Rise up to the occasion and engage.

What’s RISE Talks about?

RISE Talks gathers people interested in entrepreneurship over an evening of learning and inspiration. Each gathering features:

- Local enterprise heroes - Successful entrepreneurs who have made it in their different industries will come and share their amazing stories and experiences.

- Book review session. Get key takeaways from entrepreneurship or business books thanks to avid book reviewers.

At RISE, we’d like to foster a culture of giving before receiving. Do you have an opportunity you would like to share? Post it up our Give & Take Board and let other attendees respond!