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2014TEDx 茨厂街凭着一个信念一步一脚印将来西亚华人的智慧立志杰出的各业华人精英一个与世界分享他卓越点子的平台

从心深感受者的重新找新的可能此精神正是今年大会的主 -- 从心重新】。由此全新出希望众从的心歷路程与他极度意的点子中得新的启

心是智慧的源地有了智慧角被建立后探知新知便是人生一大TEDx 茨厂街希望能与者和众一起享受美好的学从心出发,重新领會。2014TEDx 茨厂街愿讲者以观众们一起共享这美好的学习经验, 对讲者而言18多年耕耘所得的心得是一大挑也是梳理年所知重新往更高的机会.

Tedx Petaling Street 2014 aims to aggregate wisdom and ideas of Malaysians who have devoted their life to causes that matter. It is a platform for spreading these important ideas behind their works.

In order to do that, cores of their life works must be fully understood. The theme of Tedx Petaling Street 2014 -- Refine/Redefine embodies our spirit of learning more about their works. We also hope that our efforts will encourage audience members to do the same, in understanding the speakers’ ideas. 18 minutes might be seen as a challenge to fully encapsulate the best of their ideas, but nonetheless it is a good opportunity for speakers to distil their best for the audience members.

Wisdom stems from one’s heart. As his/her heart opens for new possibilities, new perspectives will take shape. Let’s learn together with new lens to the world.