You are looking at the older event information at Jul 27, 2017, 11:10:39 AM.
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iShare Business Networking Night is a weekly event that helps to create opportunities for different businesses to come together, collaborate, brain storm and establish partnerships that can help them to enhance and grow their businesses through the sharing economy.

iShare Business Networking Night is a weekly event that helps to create opportunities for different businesses to come together, collaborate, brain storm and establish partnerships that can help them to enhance and grow their businesses through the sharing economy.

This event is open to everyone from any type of business who would like to come network, share their business and build meaningful relationships with members of the business community.

iShare is happy to announce that speakers for this particular event will consist of of:

  • Kelvin Ong from PC Wellness Centre. Topic: Chinese Treatment.
  • Jerome Lee. Topic: Consumer Loan Advisory.
  • Leik Hong from Small Fish. Topic: Branding.
  • A special segment prepared and presented by iShare.

  • Kelvin Ong from PC Wellness Centre. Topic: Chinese Treatment.
  • Jerome Lee. Topic: Consumer Loan Advisory.

Coach Leow Leik Hong from Small Fish. Topic: The evolution from Branding to Brand Experience

  • A special segment prepared and presented by iShare.