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当日券 Day Ticket; ¥4,500 (1D)

早入り券 (16:00迄の入場に有効) Early Entry Ticket (Valid for entry before 16:00); ¥2,000 (ND)

前売り券 Advanced Ticket; ¥3,500 (1D)

前売ペア券 Advanced Ticket for 2; ¥6,000 (2D)

前売三人券 Advanced Ticket for 3; ¥9,000 (3D)


If you'd like to book a VIP table please send a mail to

English text follows Japanese.







レインボーブリッジを望む屋外テラスで幻想的なファイアーダンスを披露するのはKIKI CAT & WIN KATSUMI。

今年5月末お台場で開催された映像、音楽、花火を統合した未来型花火エンタテイメントSTAR ISLANDや7月初旬にパリで開催されたJapan Expoにも出演者としてのみならずトータルプロデュースにも関わり比類なき創造性を発揮したKIKI CATと世界を旅しながらパフォーマンスを続けているWIN KATSUMIが本物の炎を操り熱いダンスで皆さんを魅了します。

《Nao Lingerie バーレスクダンス》






南米コロンビアとペルーの超人気ブランド、PALMAROSA, Toque d'Sol, CAPITTANOの新作ビキニのファッションショーを行います。



DJ AMIGAはハイブランドのパーティーからアンダーグラウンドパーティー、Ultraといった大型フェスまで、幅広い音楽知識を生かした独自のグルーブコントロールでワールドワイドな活躍を見せています。最新作はイタリアの名門レーベルNatura Vivaよりリリース。

Takaaki Moriは最も旬な楽曲と、古くから愛されている名曲をクロスオーバさせながら最高の瞬間を生み出すDJスタイルで人気を博しています。イタリア・アマルフィのセレブクラブで日本人初のプレイ、米国では最大の祭典バーニングマンへも参戦するなど、ワールドワイドに活躍中です。

DJ PAIPAIはアルファ・ロメオのDJコンテストで優勝し、世界的なDJエージェントのインターナショナル・パーティー・ロッカーズと契約しています。自称サムライ・パーティー・ロッカーは東京のみならずニューヨークでも定期的なパーティを開催しています。

ブラジル出身のDJ Ellenはノリの良いラテンビートを効かせたプレイでフロアを湧かせてくれます。真夏のウォーターフロントには彼女の熱いサウンドは欠かせません。

Discount Cityは自分のルーツであるシカゴ、中西部のタッチを生かしディープハウスとテクノをプレイする一方で東京でのスタイルに反映させています。


1. ANAインターコンチネンタル 石垣リゾートを含む国内の3箇所のインターコンチネンタルホテルのペア宿泊券 (前売券で20:00までに入場された方から抽選で3枚)

2. Nao Lingerieから25,000円分のギフトカード (前売券で入場された方から抽選で1枚)

3. カネボウコスミリオンのストッキング (前売券先着来場50名)

4. モエ・エ・シャンドンの扇子またはキーホルダー (前売券購入先着50名)



* チケットのキャンセル、払い戻しには理由の如何に関わらず応じられません。

* 雨天の場合は屋内会場で開催します。

* ドレスコードは白です。何か白色の物を身につけて下さい。

* 軽食もご用意しております。

An exclusive entertainment event with music, fashion and dance at a five-star hotel with the spectacular view of Rainbow Bridge and Tokyo Bay.

《Guest Artist》

Lenny Ibizarre, a legendary showman from Ibiza, will bring the dazzling sound experience that mesmerized audiences of Pacha, Space, Amnesia and Cafe del Mar. After signing with Warner Music, he toured extensively covering international festivals and special events world-wide

(Cirque Du Soleil, F1).

As a DJ he is among the few truly Balearic artists who can effortlessly wander through all styles of music, telling the story over several hours and over several musical platforms.

His live performance integrates live instruments (Guitar, Vox, Keyboards) and electronic music (Ableton Push) into a one-man transcendental music experience that blurs the dividing line between live production and freestyle improvisation.

《Fire Dance Show》

KiKi Cat and Win Katsumi will perform a special fire dance on the outdoor terrace with a view of Rainbow Bridge. KiKi Cat proved her unparalleled creativity as both producer and artist in "Star Island", a futuristic outdoor entertainment that combined music, dance and fireworks held in Odaiba in this May. She and Katsumi have just performed at Japan Expo in Paris and received the enthusiastic response from the audience.

《Nao Lingerie Burlesque Show》

Nao Lingerie is a Japanese lingerie brand dedicated to women with self-esteem, deep compassion and high virtue.

Two angels, Alesha and Shanti, will wear elegant and beautiful Nao Lingerie and take you to the world of extraordinary fantasy.

The show is filled with "beauty, sensuality and loveliness" and can be enjoyed by both women and men.

《Bikini Fashion Show》

Three popular bikini brands from South America, Toque d'Soleil (Peru), PALMAROSA (Colombia) and CAPITTANA (Peru), will be worn by special models.

Please enjoy the show of new collections with colorful colors and Brazilian cut.


As one of the most talented and respected female DJs in Japan, DJ AMIGA stages from the reception parties for world’s top brands such as Cartier, HERMES, Louis Vuitton, and Ferrari, to the top underground parties in Tokyo, to large scale music festivals such as UMF. She has been invited for gigs to many Asian countries, IBIZA, N.Y. San Francisco, Moscow, and Uruguay. Her latest tracks were released from Italy’s Natura Viva.

Takaaki Mori has been active worldwide. He played in a renowned club on the cliff of Italy's Amalfi

and at Burning Man in the desert of Nevada, the US. He is also a sound designer for radio and TV programs and exhibitions and provides the original songs for CM.

DJ PAIPAI was discovered by an global DJ agency International Party Rockers because of his performance skills and his passion to the audience. Having won the DJ contest by Alfa Romeo of Italy, he plays regularly not only in Tokyo but also in New York City.

Ellen Angelucci from Brazil always stirs up the floor with the touch of Latin beat. Her music is indispensable for a mid-summer dance party.

Discount City plays Deep House and Techno but with a Midwest touch coming from his roots in Chicago, while simultaneously accepting, understanding and ultimately enjoying his life in Tokyo.

《Gifts for Guests》

1. One night stay for at three Hotel InterContinental locations in Japan. (three winners from the advanced ticket holders arriving before 8 p.m.)

2. Gift coupon worth ¥25,000 from Nao Lingerie (one winner from the advance ticket holders)

3. Stockings by Kanebo Cosmillion (the first 50 arrivals with advanced tickets)

4. A key chain or fan by Moet (the first 50 arrivals with advanced tickets)

《Gift for VIP Tables》

A tin of Chicago Mix from Garrett Popcorn Shops

* We will not accept any ticket cancellation.

* In case of rain, the event will be held in indoor space.

* Dress code is white. Please wear something white.

* We will have some food menu.

