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Come along to Ichiju-Sansai at Neuro Cafe on the Sunday 23rd of July for a pop-up dinner inspired by the ancient Japanese meal framework of "one soup, three side dishes".

The evening will be a long-table banquet affair in a renovated loft space in Harajuku, with food prepared by Tokyo-based Australian writer and cook Jessica Thompson, and a balmy summer evening soundtrack of jazz and soul records played by local producer GOUKI.

The menu is five courses (one soup, three dishes, dessert) of Japanese late-summer flavours prepared in a mix of traditional and foreign styles, served with matched sake. As dinner will be during the notoriously steamy Taisho 大暑 (“greater heat”) microseason of the old Japanese calendar, a cooling menu and refreshing beverages will be on offer.

The menu is five courses (one soup, three dishes, dessert) of Japanese summer flavours prepared in a mix of traditional and foreign styles, served with matched sake. As dinner will be during the notoriously steamy Taisho 大暑 (“greater heat”) microseason of the old Japanese calendar, a cooling menu and refreshing beverages will be on offer.

Non-alcoholic matched drinks available (please send a direct message to confirm)

Allergies can be catered for (please send a direct message with details)

7pm for 7:30pm start



この日本伝統の食の魅力を再発見するため、7月23日に原宿 Neuro Cafeで 「Ichiju-Sansai Tokyo」を開催します。汁物一品とお料理3品にデザートを加えた5品のコース料理をお出しします。日本伝統の方法に海外のスタイルをミックスして生まれた夏の味覚です。

今回のIchiju-Sansai Tokyoは、「七十二候」における「大暑」の季節に開催します。七十二候とは、自然界の変化に基づいて一年を72の季節に分ける考え方。古くから日本の暦に取り入れられてきました。大暑は「土潤溽暑(つちうるおうてむしあつし)」という季節です。 一年の中で特に蒸し暑いこの時期に、涼やかな料理と爽やかな飲物をお出しします。


時間 :19;00〜19;30頃からスタート


お料理 Jessica Thompson