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WE LOVE JAZZ SG celebrates

International Jazz Day (IJD) 2017:

Yes! We are celebrating UNESCO's International Jazz Day 2017 at our favorite hang-out, Kult Kafe, and we have a series of exciting activities especially lined up for this special day! We want you to come and hang-out, We are also calling out for you an unforgettable evening packed with inspirations and loads of fun. So come join us, and make new friends.

International Jazz Day (IJD) 2017:


We are celebrating UNESCO's International Jazz Day 2017 at our favorite hang-out, Kult Kafe! We have a series of exciting activities related to jazz especially lined up for this special day. It is designed to be a really casual & chilled out gathering, but unforgettable evening packed with inspirations and loads of fun. Come join us, and meet your own community members.

Just like IJD's mission, we hope that the event brings the communities, schools, artists, historians, academics and jazz enthusiasts all around the world together to learn about jazz and its roots, future and impact; to raise awareness of the need for intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding; and reinforce international cooperation and communication.

About International Jazz Day

International Jazz Day is the culmination of Jazz Appreciation Month in the states, which draws public attention to jazz and its extraordinary heritage throughout April. In December 2012, the United Nation General Assembly formally welcomed the decision by the UNESCO General Conference to proclaim April 30 as International Jazz Day. The United Nations and UNESCO now both recognise International Jazz Day on their official calendars.


Jazz Kissa :

We are proud to bring in a Japanese style hardcore coffee house where you will listen to jazz with refined sound of Pendulumic Headphones throughout the event at a corner of Kult Kafe whilst you enjoy your coffee whiskey and drinks.



SPEAKUP! Speaklouder [IJD Special] :

Jazz Kissa

This is a music sharing and performance space where the speakers and performers will share about what they love about jazz & improvised music on Kult's mini stage.

We are proud to bring in a Japanese style hardcore coffee house where you will listen to jazz with refined sound of Pendulumic Headphones throughout the event at a corner of Kult Kafe whilst you enjoy your coffee!


SPEAKUP! Speaklouder [IJD Special]

This is a special version of our signature program SPEAKUP! Speaklouder Talking Sessions, but for International Jazz Day(IJD) 2017, we would like to open it up for submission. You get 3-5min slot on the small stage at Kult Kafe where you can play music, talk about music, share your episode, etc etc - whatever you do, it has to be about jazz, improvised music and under 5min!

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER! (First come first serve)

Food & Drinks :

Food & Drinks

Banyan Tamarind Foods (vegetarian)

Banyan Tamarind Foods (vegetarian) and more to come!

Merchandise :


WLJ merch and more!

WLJ merch and more

Event timeline:


4:00pm Door opens

4:00pm Door opens

4:30pm-5:00pm Welcome address

4:30pm-5:00pm Welcome address

5:00pm Event Starts

8pm Free and Easy

5:00pm Event Starts

*Jazz Kissa will be open from 4-8pm

8pm Free and Easy

Sponsors & Partners :

Kult Kafe

Pendulumic Headphones (Jazz Kissa sponsor)


What is Jazz Kissa?

What is Jazz Kissa?

Jazz Kissa (cafe) is a Japanese Style Hardcore Jazz Cafe Subculture originated in 1960's where people soaked themselves to hear jazz frantically on vinyl (or CD sometimes) for hours. The owners own a gigantic tube amps and speakers for the ultimate quality listening.

WARNING: This is not your typical mingle and chit-chat cafe culture. There is in fact one house rule, and that is to ask everyone to observe silence when the music is playing.

WARNING: This is not your typical mingle and chit-chat cafe culture. There is in fact one house rule, and that is to ask everyone to observe silence when the music is playing.

WLJ SG loves this culture so much and we wanted to revive this culture for the sake of all jazz fanatics' pleasure and has started collecting every jazz musicians' picks since last year to compile into a playlist. We are so excited that Pendulumic Headphones are sponsoring us this year with 4 pairs of headphones, that will enhance our listening with the highest sound quality. Welcome to virtual Jazz Kissa! Where everyone loves a good jazz indulging session.




International Jazz day is celebrated on 30th April with special events around the world. The event brings the communities, schools, artists, historians, academics and jazz enthusiasts all around the world together to learn about jazz and its roots, future and impact; to raise awareness of the need for intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding; and reinforce international cooperation and communication.

International Jazz Day is the culmination of Jazz Appreciation Month in the states, which draws public attention to jazz and its extraordinary heritage throughout April. In December 2012, the United Nation General Assembly formally welcomed the decision by the UNESCO General Conference to proclaim April 30 as International Jazz Day. The United Nations and UNESCO now both recognise International Jazz Day on their official calendars.

Poster art : Miwa

Poster art : Miwa

