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Lawyers for LGBT and Allies Network (LLAN)とWomen in Law Japanは、LGBTI(レズビアン、ゲイ、バイセクシャル、トランスジェンダーおよびインターセックス)の当事者および女性の平等(equality)・多様性(diversity)・一体性(inclusion)を実現するべく活動しております。共通の目標を掲げていることから、この度、本イベントを共催することとなりました。


17:30 受付開始

18:00 開会のご挨拶(カナダ大使館、エヴァン・ウルフソン)

18:10 各種映画賞を受賞したドキュメンタリー映画「Freedom to Marry」の上映(オフィシャルサイト

19:00 パネルディスカッションとQ&A「女性の権利とLGBTIの権利に関する取組み:教訓と共有」(カナダ、米国、台湾、オーストラリアおよび日本の観点からディスカッションを行います。)

20:00 ネットワーキング交流会

21:30 閉会


エヴァン・ウルフソン:米国に拠点を置く団体「Freedom to Marry」の会長。ウルフソン氏は、米国において婚姻の平等を実現するために献身的に取り組んでこられました。この度上映することになった映画「Freedom to Marry」にもご出演されています。米国内で婚姻の自由という目標を達成したことにより、現在は米国以外の国にも視野を広げ、婚姻の平等に関する活動を行っています。米国での経験だけではなく、台湾や婚姻の平等の実現に向かって奮闘しているその他の国の進展についてもお話いただきます。

ヘレン・ケネディ:LGBTIの権利を推進するカナダ唯一の全国組織、エガル・カナダ(Egale Canada)の理事長。ケネディ氏は、125ヶ国において1200の団体メンバーを抱える国際レズビアン・ゲイ協会(International LGBTI Association)の役員でもあります。カナダおよび世界での活動経験と、世界におけるLGBTIの権利の向上についてお話いただきます。


ホーガン・ロヴェルズ法律事務所の東京オフィスのパートナーであり、Women in Law Japanの会長である別府理佳子、およびLLANを代表してフレッシュフィールズ法律事務所東京オフィスのシニア・アソシエイトであるアレクサンダー・ドミトレンコがパネルディスカッションの司会を務めます。





LLAN運営委員会一同・Women in Law Japan 運営委員会一同


LLAN (Lawyers for LGBT and Allies Network) and Women in Law Japan have a shared vision of promoting equality, diversity and inclusion for women and LGBTI individuals. With this shared vision, we are delighted to invite you to this event at the Canadian Embassy:

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

17:30 Doors open

18:00 Opening Remarks by the Embassy of Canada and Evan Wolfson

18:10 Japanese premiere of the award-winning documentary "Freedom to Marry" (website)

19:00 Panel discussion on “Parallels between women’s and LGBTI rights movements: lessons learned and shared” focusing on Canada, US, Taiwan, Australia and Japan, followed by Q&A

20:00 Networking reception

21:30 Doors close

Our panelists include:

Evan Wolfson, from the United States of America (USA), the President of “Freedom to Marry”. Evan has devoted his life to achieving marriage equality for lesbian and gay Americans, and is, therefore, also one of the main stars of the featured documentary. With the USA having achieved marriage equality, Evan and his organization have turned their attention to promoting equality internationally. He will share with the audience not only his experience in the USA, but also offer his views on the most recent updates and trends from Taiwan and other jurisdictions striving towards equal marriage.

Helen Kennedy, President of Egale Canada, a preeminent LGBTI organization in Canada. Helen is also on the board of the International LGBTI Association (ILGA), which has over 1,200 member organizations in over 125 countries. Helen will speak to her experience, both in Canada and internationally, and share her personal perspective on the advancement of LGBTI rights worldwide.

Clare Walsh, Minister and Deputy Head of Mission at the Australian Embassy, will discuss the current debate in Australia concerning equal marriage and will share the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade's efforts to deliver on its commitments to achieve gender equality and support LGBTI staff in its workforce.

Rika Beppu, a partner in the Tokyo office of Hogan Lovells and a chairperson of Women in Law Japan, and Alexander Dmitrenko, a senior associate in the Tokyo office of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, will moderate the panel.

This event is open to everyone. Please RSVP with Peatix. We are expecting a full-house, so please register early to avoid any disappointment. The venue capacity is 200. There is no parking available at the venue. Please bring a photo ID for security purposes.

A simultaneous interpretation will be provided during panel discussion and Q&A. Also, Japanese subtitles will be available for the film.

Please note that the cost of your ticket will cover simultaneous interpretation services and other fees, and will not be used for commercial or fundraising purposes.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you soon.

LLAN Executive Committee
Women in Law Japan Executive Committee