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(English follows Japanese)

クラシカ表参道、The Classica Omotesando 神宮前にて開催!

日時:   2017年2月24日(金)19:00-21:30 (18:30受付)

(English follows Japanese)

クラシカ表参道、The Classica Omotesando 神宮前にて開催!

日時:   2017年2月24日(金)19:00-21:30 (18:30受付)

場所:   クラシカ表参道 The Classica Omotesando 東京都神宮前5丁目51-1    

アクセス: 東京メトロ銀座線(半蔵門線、千代田線) 表参道駅B2出口より徒歩2分。

会費:   早割 (2/21まで): 7,000円 一般: 8,000円 学生: 4,000円 (学生証提出した場合)    



服装:スマートカジュアル 、畏まったスーツは必要無し。




の代表理事、林維尼 Lin Wei-cheng (Wayne)です。





フルーツ・イン・スーツ(Fruits in Suits)は、世界最大規模のLGBTプロフェッショナルグループです。東京で定期的にイベントやセミナーを開催しています。目的は、日本に住んでいるLGBTQの権利を求める活動家やNPOのご紹介と、海外から移住して来た非日本人の定住者と日本人の間の交流、そしてネットワーキングです。毎回ゲストスピーカーをお招きし、美しい空間で豪華な夕食ビュッフェと飲み放題のドリンクをご用意して、チャリティーのための募金活動も行います。 このグループは、LGBTQ(性的マイノリティ: レズビアン・ゲイ・バイセクシュアル・トランスジェンダー・クィア及びクエスチョニング)当事者でも当事者でなくても誰でも参加できます。ネットワーキングの機会として友人や同僚を誘って是非ご参加下さい! 不明な点やご質問がありましたら、ローレン宛にメールをください。

We are pleased to announce Fruits In Suits’ first event of 2017 and the return to the fabulous CLASSICA Omotesando (Address and details below)

A gorgeous space with delicious food, CLASSICA was one of our favorite events over the past 2.5 years and we’re excited to reminisce with previous guests and welcome those who are coming for the first time.

Focusing on our plans for the year ahead, we would like you to enjoy this opportunity to network with incredible professionals, aspirational students, and dear friends to welcome the new year.

Our special guest will be the chair of the Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association. Founded in 1998, this nonprofit is now the oldest and the largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) organization in Taiwan. Hotline is dedicated to achieve equality and provide resources for the LGBT community through creating public dialogue and gender inclusive sexuality education.

Our special guest will be the chair of the Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association, Wayne (Wei-Cheng) Lin. Founded in 1998, this nonprofit is now the oldest and the largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) organization in Taiwan. Hotline is dedicated to achieve equality and provide resources for the LGBT community through creating public dialogue and gender inclusive sexuality education.

Wayne has been active on the ground in Taiwan to improve the situation for LGBTQ people in Taiwan and develop the LGBTQ community. He will share with us how the movement started in Taiwan, the birth and growth of this pivotal organization, and the seminal moments leading up to the bills in the current legislature that may lead to Taiwan being the first country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage.

There will be a Q&A, and we will have another special guest as well.

This is an OPEN EVENT for all--LGBTQ and non-LGBTQ people. EVERYBODY is WELCOME. Please invite friends and colleagues. Date/Time: February 24, 2017 (Friday), 19:00 ~ 21:30 (Doors open at 18:30) Location: The CLASSICA OMOTESANDO 51-1, Jingumae 5-chome, Shibuya, Tokyo Omotesando station (Ginza, Hanzomon and Chiyoda lines), exit B2. 2 minutes. Early bird fee (Until 2/21:) 7,000 Regular ticket: ¥8,000 Student Tickets: ¥4,000 (Just show your student ID.) Includes a dinner of a delicious selection of foods and all-you-can-drink. Also, if anyone has particular financial difficulty for the entrance fee, please send me an email; we are happy to talk with anyone on a case-by-case basis. Dress: BUSINESS CASUAL We also have many sponsors with FANTASTIC PRIZES for our raffle. We look forward to seeing you all in later this month!