You are looking at the older event information at Jan 17, 2017, 8:52:06 PM.
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Rehearsal is a social experiment stemming from the urge to incite and foster public discussions in Singapore, addressing the city and how to organise collectively. Spaces for different groups to come together are lacking and only few opportunities exist for civil society groups and government sectors to meet and have open debates. Responding directly to the need for places that facilitate discussions and gatherings, Post-Museum‘s first Rehearsal, which took place at the Substation, invited people to spend time together and do something collectively over a 24-hour period.

Organised by Post-Museum during CITIES FOR PEOPLE, Rehearsal is a parallel event that provides a place to further reflect on the topics discussed during the Ideas Fest, particularly in the Public Summit. This iteration of the Rehearsal will take the form of a campsite that invites the public to stay, eat, and live together over a period of 2 days and 2 nights. The space, to be built through a collective wood workshop using recycled materials from NTU CCA Singapore’s previous exhibitions, will include a kitchen, sleeping area, library, and a meditation space. Participants are asked to shape the site according to their activities and interests throughout the event period.

As such, what takes place during Rehearsal is a mix of planned activities and things that happen organically. Free and open to public (limited capacity). Please select the times when you would be able to join us.

WED Afternoon: 2-8pm: Wood workshop

FRI Night: 8pm-12mn: Games, US Presidential Inauguration

FRI Night: 8pm-12mn: Rare games, US Presidential Inauguration

FRI Sleepover

SAT Brunch - Bring bread, fruit and anything else u wanna eat!

SAT Afternoon: The Braiding Association

SAT Afternoon: Chat about the new Bills; The Braiding Association

SAT Dinner: 8-10pm: Stone Soup Party - Bring vegetables for the soup!

SAT Sleepover

SUN Brunch - Bring bread, fruit and anything else u wanna eat!

SUN Afternoon: 12-6pm: Singapore Really Really Free Market 46A - Bring stuff/skills!

See you there!

We will send you an email to confirm. Thanks and see you there!