You are looking at the older event information at Nov 7, 2016, 1:45:15 PM.
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Discover exclusive French wines with The French Cellar as they bring some whites, reds and roses for a different type of networking to Thursday Social. There’s no need to be an expert to enjoy a good wine tasting night!

$10 for non-members (inclusive of three drinks)
Free for members of the Hive

Who should join?:

Any and all entrepreneur, creatives and freelancers looking to expand their network of business contacts and friends in Singapore.

What can be expected:

Thursday Social is a casual after-work gathering of like-minded people. If you come you can expect to make new business friends in Singapore, amongst people doing incredibly diverse and exciting things!

To enjoy Thursday Social – all you need to bring a sunny attitude and a willingness to shake the hands of new people and introduce yourself.

Payment can be made at the door. See you there!