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(Conference Program in English at the Bottom of the Page)

参加企業が累計80億円の資金調達に成功したアメリカ発のグローバル社会起業支援プログラム「Unreasonable Institute」が産み出した5日間のハイパーアクセラレーター。
「Unreasonable Labs」

(Conference Program in English at the Bottom of the Page)

参加企業が累計80億円の資金調達に成功したアメリカ発のグローバル社会起業支援プログラム「Unreasonable Institute」が産み出した5日間のハイパーアクセラレーター。
「Unreasonable Labs」

その日本版である「Unreasonable Labs Japan (アンリーズナブル ラボ ジャパン)」が初めて開催されてから1年経ちました。今年もより多くの社会起業家を応援するべく、Unreasonable Labs Japan 第2期を開催することとなりました。








■Unreasonable Challenge Day カンファレンス概要:

■Unreasonable Challenge Day カンファレンス概要:

開催日時:2016年11月6日(日) 10:00~16:00

 会場 :六本木ヒルズクロスポイント5階(協賛:株式会社フリークアウト)











09:30~10:00 開場

10:00~10:05 Unreasonable Labs Japan代表よりご挨拶

10:05~10:35 キーノートスピーチ

      (東京大学公共政策大学院教授 鈴木寛 氏)

10:35~10:50 第一線で活躍する社会起業家によるプレゼンテーション

      (株式会社AsMama 代表取締役CEO 甲田恵子 氏)

10:50~11:20 社会起業家によるパネルディスカッション

      (Aunt Bertha 創業者/CEO Erine Gray 氏)(予定)

      (Head of Global Expansion at Unreasonable Institute Banks Benitez 氏)(予定)

11:20~11:40 持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)に関するプレゼンテーション

11:40~12:00 ソーシャルアクセラレーターによるピッチ(登壇者調整中)

12:00~13:00 ランチ×ネットワーキング(会場での追加販売はございません。ご希望の方は、ランチチケットをお申込みください)

13:00~13:10 午後のコンテンツ紹介

13:10~13:45 Unreasonable Lab Japan 2016参加チームによるピッチ

13:45~14:15 インパクト投資パネルディスカッション

14:15~14:30 表彰式

14:30~16:00 ネットワーキング(フリータイム)





鈴木 寛(すずき かん)氏

東京大学公共政策大学院教授 慶應義塾大学院 政策メディア研究科教授





甲田 恵子(こうだ けいこ)氏

株式会社AsMama 代表取締役社長







Erine Gray アーニー・グレイ氏

Erine Gray アーニー・グレイ氏

テキサス州オースチンの公益会社Aunt Bertha, Inc.創業者
Unreasonable Instituteを2012年に卒業

Aunt Bertha はアンリーズナブル・インスティテュート・アクセレーターから600万米ドル以上の投資を調達し、米国最大の医療やソーシャルサービスのプロバイダーを数社を顧客としています。

2010年に創立したAunt Berthaは、政府および慈善プログラムの発見・申請が必要な人々を助ける、検索および紹介プラットフォームです。そのミッションは、慈善プログラムの情報を、それを求める人、プログラム双方にとってよりアクセスしやすくすること。米国内の誰でも、どこでも利用可能です。これまで22.5万人以上が自分自身、もしくは誰かを助けるために、このプラットフォームを利用しています。


テキサス州オースチンの公益会社Aunt Bertha, Inc.創業者
Unreasonable Instituteを2012年に卒業

Aunt Bertha はアンリーズナブル・インスティテュート・アクセレーターから600万米ドル以上の投資を調達し、米国最大の医療やソーシャルサービスのプロバイダーを数社を顧客としています。

2010年に創立したAunt Berthaは、政府および慈善プログラムの発見・申請が必要な人々を助ける、検索および紹介プラットフォームです。そのミッションは、慈善プログラムの情報を、それを求める人、プログラム双方にとってよりアクセスしやすくすること。米国内の誰でも、どこでも利用可能です。これまで22.5万人以上が自分自身、もしくは誰かを助けるために、このプラットフォームを利用しています。


Banks Benitez バンクス・ベニテス氏

Unreasonable Instituteの国際展開担当上席副社長
Unreasonable Institutenのグローバル展開担当

同Instituteの4年間で、新興企業の採用と選抜から、Unreasonable Instituteの実験的部署で2016年現在22カ国に拡大した Unreasonable Labs のカリキュラム編成にもつながる、グローバルなメンターネットワークの運営まで、様々な役割を果たす。コロラド州出身で、ヴァンダービルト大学で経済学士、オーストラリアのシドニー大学で国際開発の修士号を取得している。ファンタジーフットボール、ホールフーズ・マーケットの無料サンプル、あらゆるバックパック旅行を愛する。

Banks Benitez バンクス・ベニテス氏

Unreasonable Instituteの国際展開担当上席副社長
Unreasonable Institutenのグローバル展開担当

同Instituteの4年間で、新興企業の採用と選抜から、Unreasonable Instituteの実験的部署で2016年現在22カ国に拡大した Unreasonable Labs のカリキュラム編成にもつながる、グローバルなメンターネットワークの運営まで、様々な役割を果たす。コロラド州出身で、ヴァンダービルト大学で経済学士、オーストラリアのシドニー大学で国際開発の修士号を取得している。ファンタジーフットボール、ホールフーズ・マーケットの無料サンプル、あらゆるバックパック旅行を愛する。



阪本 治彦(さかもと はるひこ)氏

教育関連業界にてWebディレクター、プランナーを経験し、2016年6月よりフリーランスのプランナー、イベンターとして関西を中心に活動。教育問題の専門家としてこれからの教育のありかたについての講演活動も行っている。また、SXSW Asia Rep.のエヴァンジェリストやTEDxKobeのコアメンバーとしても積極的に活動中。





一般社団法人 C4

<パートナー様 / あいうえお順>

Impact HUB Tokyo

Open Network Lab

Orinoco Peatix株式会社









SUSANOO プロジェクト



■Unreasonable Lab Japanについて

Unreasonable Labs Japanは、2015 年に開始。米国Unreasonable Instituteと協働で動く、ハイパーアクセラレーターです。Unreasonable Instituteで長年育てられたカリキュラムを日本のニーズに合った形で提供しています。本年度のラボでは一般社団法人C4と協力し、2015年に193ヵ国のすべての加盟国によって採択された国連総会17の持続可能な開発目標 (SDGs) に取り組んでいます。


「Unreasonable Challenge Day」でお待ちしています。

Conference Program in English

Unreasonable Lab Japan (ULJ) overview

A five-day hyper accelerator born to raise the bar in Japan’s social entrepreneurship ecosystem, ULJ originated out of the Unreasonable Institute, a Boulder, Colorado based accelerator whose participating businesses have achieved fundraising totals of over eight billion yen.

One year has passed since Unreasonable Lab Japan was first held. This year, ULJ brings an even greater number of social entrepreneurs, partners and supporters in a growing ecosystem.

The mountain we're climbing may be high, but we won't ignore the problem that entrepreneurs tackling some of the biggest social and environmental problems of our time need more clarity, mentorship and access to funding. ULJ is being run with a desire to support these efforts.

With that in mind, we would like to share some of these efforts that take place in Unreasonable Lab Japan, by creating a day, called Unreasonable Challenge Day. Unreasonable Challenge Day hopes to create a space for dialogue on social entrepreneurship in Japan. We will be showcasing supporting speakers, workshop facilitators, sponsors and participating entrepreneurs.

Japan is said to be a problem developed nation.

However, looking at it from another perspective, it could be a problem "solution" developed nation, with the opportunity to become a leader in solving social problems locally that can be applied globally.

We are hoping that this day will be a way to increase the number of challengers who will tackle solutions to the world's overflowing social problems through entrepreneurship as we are preparing a space brimming with enthusiasm. We would like to welcome you along.

Unreasonable Challenge Day conference overview

Event date and time: November 6th (Sunday), 2016, 10:00a.m.-4:00p.m.

Venue: Roppongi Hills Cross Point, 5th floor (Support: FreakOut)

Participants: Those with an interest in solutions to social problems, those supporting social entrepreneurs.

Event scope: 200 people

About tickets

Early booking discount ticket—Tickets limited to those who apply up until October 10th. Limited to 50 tickets!

Pair tickets—Special tickets suitable for those participating in pairs. These are also limited.

Student discount ticket—Tickets to be purchased by students only. Please bring your student ID on the day.

Lunch ticket—Tickets for those participating in "lunch x networking" from 11:35a.m.-1:00p.m. Enjoy the delicious catering while participating in a special exchange with the social entrepreneurs. Please purchase the "event participation ticket" and the "lunch ticket" together as a set.

The main language of the event will be in Japanese, but we will have translators for people who need translation assistance.

09:30~10:00 Venue Open

10:00~10:05 Opening Remark

10:05~10:35 Keynote Speech

      (Professor Kan Suzuki, Graduate School of Public Policy, Tokyo University, etc.)

10:35~10:50 Presentation by a Successful Social Entrepreneur

      (Keiko Koda, CEO of AsMama Inc.)

10:50~11:20 Social Entrepreneur Panel Discussion

      (Aunt Bertha Founder/CEO Erine Gray )

      (Head of Global Expansion at Unreasonable Institute Banks Benitez 氏)etc.

11:20~11:40 Presentation on UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

11:40~12:00 Pitches by Social Startup Accelerators

12:00~13:00 Lunch and Networking

13:10~13:45 Unreasonable Lab Japan 2016 participating team pitches

13:45~14:15 Impact Investing Panel Discussion

14:15~14:30 Award Ceremony

14:30~16:00 Networking

Mr. Kan Suzuki

Professor at the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Public Policy and the Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance.

Born in 1964, Mr. Suzuki graduated from the University of Tokyo Faculty of Law before entering the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).

After working as an associate professor at Keio University, in 2001 he was elected to the House of Councillors for the first time (in Tokyo). While holding his post as a member of the National Diet for 12 years, he served two terms as vice minister in the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), and has been active particularly in the fields of education, medical care, sports, culture and information. He is a guest professor at Osaka University (the Faculty of Medicine and the School of Engineering), a visiting scholar at Fukui University, Wakayama University, and Chiba University, a director of the Japan Soccer Association, an OECD education policy advisor, and a World Economic Forum Future committee member. In 2012 he founded the Social Emergence School.

Since February 2014 he has been both a professor at the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Public Policy, and a professor at Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance as well as the Faculty of Policy Management, Japan's first cross appointment between a private and a state university. From October he was an advisor to MEXT, and in February 2015 he became a MEXT cabinet minister aide.

Ms. Keiko Koda

Company president of AsMama.

Born in Osaka in 1975, Ms. Koda studied abroad in America and graduated from Kansai Gaidai University before taking up a post as both the executive secretary and in the international cooperation office of the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency. In 2000 she transferred to Nifty, where she headed the overseas launch operations as well as public relations. While in office she proposed a large number of business model patents.

She gave birth to her eldest daughter in April 2005, and upon returning to work in April the next year she was appointed as the head of listing and IR. In 2007 she transferred to the venture capital company ngigroup (now United), where she was the head of public relations and IR.

After being made redundant by the company in 2009, she established AsMama in November of the same year as the company president (her current position). Her weakness: "free time."

Ernie Gray

Erine Gray is the founder of Aunt Bertha, a Public Benefit Corporation in Austin, TX. Founded in 2010, Aunt Bertha is a search and referral platform for helping people in need find and apply for government and charitable programs., a social services search and referrals platform, is available to everybody in the United States - everywhere - from New York City to small towns like Ashland, VA. To date more than 225,000 people have used the platform - either to help themselves, or to help others.

Since graduating from the Unreasonable Institute Accelerator in 2012, Aunt Bertha has raised more than 6MM in investment and has some of America's largest health care and social service providers as customers.

Banks Benitez

Senior Vice-President of Global Expansion at the Unreasonable Institute where he is charged with scaling the Unreasonable Institute around the world. In his four years at the Institute, he has served in a variety of roles: from entrepreneur-recruiting and selection to managing the global mentor network to leading the curriculum design of the Institute to launching Unreasonable Labs, the experimental division of Unreasonable Institute that has scaled to 22 countries in 2016. Banks is a Colorado native, with a Bachelors in Economics from Vanderbilt University and a Masters of International Development from the University of Sydney in Australia. Banks loves fantasy football, free samples at Whole Foods, and any and all backpacking trips.

Banks Benitez

Senior Vice-President of Global Expansion at the Unreasonable Institute where he is charged with scaling the Unreasonable Institute around the world. In his four years at the Institute, he has served in a variety of roles: from entrepreneur-recruiting and selection to managing the global mentor network to leading the curriculum design of the Institute to launching Unreasonable Labs, the experimental division of Unreasonable Institute that has scaled to 22 countries in 2016. Banks is a Colorado native, with a Bachelors in Economics from Vanderbilt University and a Masters of International Development from the University of Sydney in Australia. Banks loves fantasy football, free samples at Whole Foods, and any and all backpacking trips.

Mr. Haruhiko Sakamoto

Having gained experience as a web developer and planner in the training and education world, since June 2016 Mr. Sakamoto has been working as a freelancer in planning and events based in Kansai. As a specialist in education issues, he also lectures on the future of education. In addition, he is actively working as an SXSW Asia Rep. evangelist and a core member of TEDxKobe.

(We will be adding speaker profiles as we go on!)

(We will be adding speaker profiles as we go on!)

The event sponsors/partners

Recruit Holdings


Cheerio Corporation




Impact HUB Tokyo

Kobe Digital Labo


Open Network Lab

Orinoco Peatix



The University of Social Entrepreneurship



■More About Unreasonable Lab Japan

Unreasonable Lab Japan was started in 2015. It is a hyper accelerator, working in cooperation with Boulder, Colorado based, Unreasonable Institute. The Unreasonable Institute provides entrepreneurs what they need to scale solutions to solve the world’s biggest problems. UI achieves this by identifying entrepreneurs with the potential to address problems at scale, and connecting them with mentors, funders, and partners to help grow their impact. UI has raised funds over USD$80 million. Unreasonable Lab Japan provides a curriculum honed by Unreasonable Institute, in a form tailored to match Japan's needs.

Furthermore, Unreasonable Lab Japan, in partnership with Ippan Shadan Houjin C4, is committed to the United Nations General Assembly’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted in 2015 by all 193 Member States - of which Japan is one. To date, Unreasonable Lab Japan has supported ventures making impact in goals (3) Good Health and Well-Being; (4) Quality Education; (5) Gender Equality and (11) Sustainable Cities and Communities. With the foresight, network and generous sponsorship C4 brings, we hope to further our commitment in improving People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership by highlighting our ventures and encouraging dialogue around impact entrepreneurship through this joint event, Unreasonable Challenge Day.

We are hoping that through giving them support, the world will become a better place.

We hope to see you at the "Unreasonable Challenge Day.”