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2013年10月に誕生したJapan In-depth。元フジテレビ解説委員安倍宏行が創刊したニュース解説ウェブ・メディアです。創刊3周年を迎えました


1.日時   2016年10月14日(金)18:30~21:00

2.場所   日本記者クラブ10F ホール


3.登壇者  中国軍事研究機関「国際評価戦略センター」主任研究員Richard Fisher氏 

     自民党 中谷元衆議院議員 (パネラー)

     民進党 長島昭久衆議院議員 (パネラー)

18:00 受付

18:30    挨拶Japan In-depth編集長 安倍宏行

18:35    基調講演 Richard Fisher氏 (同時通訳)



20:00    パネルディスカッション Richard Fisher氏



20:50  閉幕

4参加費   5,000


5主催者 プロフィール

Japan In-depth 編集長 安倍宏行

1955年東京生まれ。1979年慶応大学経済学部卒業 日産自動車入社、海外輸出・購買・事業企画担当。1992年フジテレビ入社報道局政経部。1996年ニューヨーク特派員。1998年同支局長。2002年ニュースジャパンキャスター。2003年経済部長。2010年報道局解説員。BSフジプライムニュース解説キャスター。2013年9月フジテレビ退社。10月株式会社安倍宏行設立。Japan In-depth創刊。

Richard Fisher

Rick Fisher is a Senior Fellow on Asian Military Affairs. Fisher is a recognized authority on the PRC military and the Asian military balance and their implications for Asia and the United States. His most recent book is China痴 Military Modernization: Building for Regional and Global Reach (Praeger Security International). Fisher has worked on Asian security matters for over 20 years in a range of critical positions -- as Asian Studies Director at the Heritage Foundation, Senior Analyst for Chairman Chris Cox Policy Committee in support of the report of the Select Committee for US National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People’s Republic of China, and a consultant on PLA issues for the Congressionally chartered US China Security & Economic Review Commission. The author of nearly 200 studies on challenges to American security, economic and foreign policy in Asia, Fisher is a frequent commentator on Asian issues for radio and television and has testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the House International Relations Committee, the House Armed Services Committee, and the U.S. China Security Commission, on the modernization of China’s military. Fisher has been Editor of the Jamestown Foundation the China Brief, and a regular contributor to publications such as the Wall Street Journal, Far Eastern Economic Review, Jane The Intelligence Review, National Interest, Air Forces Monthly, and World Airpower Journal. He has served as an election observer in Cambodia, the Philippines, South Korea and Taiwan, and performed field research in China, Taiwan, Russia, India and Pakistan. Fisher studied at Georgetown University and at Eisenhower College where he received his BA with honors. He is currently President of Pacific Strategies, Inc.



