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Mark Lim (Government Digital Services Director, IDA)

Mark Lim (Government Digital Services Director, IDA)

Teh Shi-Hua (Deputy Head (Tech), Smart Nation Programme Office at the Prime Minister’s Office)


Aziza Sheerin (Regional Director, Singapore, General Assembly)

Transforming the business of government takes sound strategy, a vision of what is possible, the knowledge of what your agency needs, and a solid plan to get there. In line with the Smart Nation Initiative, how is the Singapore government leveraging on digital strategies and technologies to save time and money, and deliver better public service, and utilize data and resources more efficiently?

Transforming the business of government takes sound strategy, a vision of what is possible, the knowledge of what your agency needs, and a solid plan to get there. In line with the Smart Nation Initiative, how is the Singapore government leveraging on digital strategies and technologies to save time and money, and deliver better public service, and utilize data and resources more efficiently?

Join public leaders with a vision for Singapore beyond SG51 in a discussion of how an environment of innovation can be inspired in a huge public organization and our tech, design and digital industries.