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Growth Hacking is more than just a buzzword born out of Silicon Valley. It’s a process, data and product-driven approach to marketing and growth while focus on understanding your users.

LinkedIn started with Reid Hoffman inviting his entire professional network to join him, Facebook started expanding college-by-college waiting until they had a 20%+ of the student body to open at each place, and AirBnb got early supply and demand by cross-posting on Craigslist. But growth hacking is not just a single "hack", you do need to find the right "hacks" that help you get to those points of sustainable growth.

In this workshop will introduce you to the tools & techniques necessary to achieve sustainable long-term growth for your business! You will learn:

  • What is Growth Hacking?
  • A deep-dive into the growth hacking funnel: Customer acquisition, activation, retention, referrals and revenue
  • The best tools for each stage
  • Hands-on exercises

About the Speaker:
Melissa Lim is an independent Marketing Consultant whose business is to help other businesses be digitally savvy and design savvy. Melissa is also the a Co-Founder and Creative Director at and Marketing Director at

She is always pushing herself to take on the big unknown. She believes life is made up of a series of great adventures and has already started two companies of her own. Specialising in creative design, social media management, branding and everything visual, she is the creative brain of LadyBoss.Asia. When she’s not behind the computer screen, you’ll find her traveling the world or having a good time at parties! Got a crazy idea on collaborating? Sound her out.

Ladyboss: Digital Magazine and Portal for Women Entrepreneurs and Leaders in Asia - Profiles, interviews, guides, fashion, lifestyle and events all things LadyBoss.

Ladyboss: Digital Magazine and Portal for Women Entrepreneurs and Leaders in Asia - Profiles, interviews, guides, fashion, lifestyle and events all things LadyBoss.