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Team Misstaken is a Citi-YMCA Youth For Causes (YFC) 2016 project, where 4 passionate individuals work hand-in-hand in collaboration with Babes Pregnancy Crisis Support Ltd to raise funds and awareness for pregnant teenagers and teenage mothers.

2 Lines is a 5km charity walk organised by Team Misstaken. Participants may choose to hold a hula hoop around their body throughout the walk to simulate the commitment and isolation pregnant teenagers and teenage mothers feel.

Registration fee includes entry into 2 Lines, a high quality event t-shirt, and an event pack.

Do note that the price listed for the 4 For All tickets is per ticket. You have to purchase four of the 4 For All ticket to be able to get the discounted price.

Please head over to and fill in your particulars as well after purchasing your ticket(s).

Team Misstaken is a Citi-YMCA Youth For Causes (YFC) 2016 project, where 4 passionate individuals work hand-in-hand in collaboration with Babes Pregnancy Crisis Support Ltd to raise funds and awareness for pregnant teenagers and teenage mothers.

In Singapore, not many know that teenage pregnancy actually occurs quite often, and even if they do, they are normally not willing to help due to negative perceptions of teenage pregnancy. Often times, this leads to many pregnant teenagers and teenage moms being reluctant in seeking for help. Through this project, we aim to raise funds and awareness to aid Babes in helping teenage moms in Singapore. Beyond that, we hope to change the public’s preconceived notions of teenage pregnancy in order to create a more inclusive and accepting society for pregnant teenagers and teenage moms.

And no, we are not advocating teenage pregnancy.

Head over to for more details on our charity walk.

In the event that you wish to support our cause but cannot make it for 2 Lines, do consider heading over to to make a small donation. You can also browse our merchandise catalogue at and purchase them if interested.

Email us at if you have any questions.

Team Misstaken sincerely thanks you for your support :)

T-shirt sizing