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Important Notes: Both males and females are welcomed. If you sign up for multiple tickets or for your friends, kindly provide us the name and the email as per request by Accenture for security purpose. Thank you.


Computers have become such an indispensable feature in our lives that living without one has become almost unthinkable. But have you ever wondered how these seemingly complicated machines work?

Get an introduction to computers, software, the internet and their practical applications in this newbie friendly introductory talk that aims to demystify Computer Science.

The speaker:

Kai Zhou, currently a senior engineer at a multi-strategy hedge fund. He has 8 years of experience working as full-time software engineer. Before joining finance industry, he used to be a senior programmer from game industry, worked on titles such as Need for Speed World, The Sims 4, Ghost Recon Phantoms and other unannounced titles.

Course Agenda:

>>What is computer, hardware and software?

>>Deeper insight into software

>>How does the internet works?

>>Computer Security

>>How to shift your career to software domain?

>>Overview of programming opportunities and tools.