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Space Nerds rejoice!

Join us for an exciting tech talk with Dr Giulio Manzoni, founder of Microspace Rapid Pte Ltd, who will share with us about the POPSAT-HIP1 , the first nanosatellite conceived and developed in Singapore that was launched into space on June 2014, and the ATHENOXAT-1, an experimental nanosatellite for nocturnal observation which was launched into space on 16th December 2015.

Microspace Rapid is the first and only Singaporean SME that develops and launches satellites into space. Led by Dr Giulio Manzoni, Microspace vision is to excel at the front line of nanosatellites R&D, developing full satellites, innovative propulsion systems and optical payloads to enable the reduction of size and increased efficiency of spacecrafts for a more sustainable use of our Space.

Present in Singapore since 2007, Microspace Rapid early projects includes micropumps, electronic controls and pressurized gas containers to complete the system producing fully controllable thrust in the range of 100 microN to 10mN which enables fine attitude control and formation flight of nanosatellites of 1kg to microsatellites of 100kg mass.


7:00PM Openning & Refreshment


- Introduction to Nano-satellites

- Development and results of POPSAT-HIP1 and ATHENOXAT-1 launch into space

- Development and results of POPSAT-HIP1 and ATHENOXAT-1 launch into space

- Question and Answer Session

9:00PM Close

About the speaker

Giulio Manzoni, born in Trieste (Italy) in 1967 is mechanical engineer “cum laude” with a PhD in Microsystems and founder in 2002 of the company Microspace developing satellites, micropropulsion systems and special optical payloads for nanosatellites.

Strong believer of Absolute Sustainability, DIY, “make” versus “buy”, reduction of bureaucracy and disruption of arbitrarily imposed rules, Inventor and “proto”-Maker (way before the buzz-word became overused), Giulio has explored and developed a very wide range of technologies in his 25 yearlong R&D activity, from watchmaking to thermionic valves, from turbomachinery to MEMS, from Navy ships to satellites always leading and training a small but powerful team of fine young engineers (with perfect gender ratio). Giulio is now approaching the next quantum leap for Microspace in its aim to far, far away targets.

About CodingGirls

CodingGirls is a non-profit organization that inspires, unites and empowers girls to achieve their ambitions in the technology world.