You are looking at the older event information at May 3, 2016, 11:54:46 PM.
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TEDxSingapore is hosting a screening of TEDxShanghai (Same-day telecast)

TEDxSingapore is hosting a screening of TEDxShanghai (Same-day telecast)

We will be screening two sessions from TEDxShanghai: "Balance" on this evening.

We will be screening two sessions from TEDxShanghai: "Balance" on this evening.

4.00PM - Registration Opens

4.15PM - Session 1 Screening

5.30PM - Break (Ice Breakers)

6.00PM - Session 2 Screening

Be early so that you don't miss out on all the Talks!





We live in a great time of dualities: digital and handmade, science and art, artificial intelligence and humanism, rural and urban, haves and have-nots, basic and abstract, internal and external, east and west, past and future. Openness and mindfulness is needed now more than ever to bring both sides of the equation together rather than choosing one over the other. This year TEDxShanghai will show the poetic Balance between these interconnected opposites, creating and fostering long-lasting collaborative conversations.

Possible Speakers