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Money & Investments: Ownership vs Stewardship

Dear Young Gatekeepers and friends,

Money, the root of all evil or resources to channel blessings?

Jesus taught about the concept of stewardship and how to be good stewards of the “talents” and gifts we have been given in the well-known Parable of the Talents (Matt 25:14-30). Money, is the most basic of these gifts.

A simple Google search turns up plenty of "solutions" telling you how to save, how to spend, how to invest. “Make your money work harder for you” beckons the search titles. Inundated with so much information, how do we separate the wheat from the chaff, the truth from the lies?

2016, a year predicted with volatile market fluctuations and major global socio-political shifts looming, what safeguards can we put in place in order to "protect our assets"? Does that mean saving or investing? Do we put our money in fixed deposits, bonds or equities? How do we multiply our “talents” or money in “the real world”, practically speaking today?

Beneath the practicalities, lies a deeper question. As believers, what sort of attitude should we take towards our money? Are we owners of the money given to us or are we just mere stewards? How does this attitude govern the practical steps we take regarding our finances? And as young people in the marketplace, how do we demonstrate Godly values towards the money we have earned?

Come and interact with our panel of “domain experts” from the finance industry and Gatekeepers who manage generational wealth personally and professionally, at YGK “The Dinner”, and hear them share their experiences and the truth about money in the answers to these questions.

It's an evening poised to be filled with Godly advice and Kingdom truth peppered with practical applications for our 21st century wired world today.

Date: 27 April 2016

Time: 7pm - 10pm

Venue: FGB Gatekeepers Office

* YGK’s “The Dinner” is open to YGKs and friends. Admission is free, though a free-will love offering will be collected. Due to space constraints, registration via Peatix is required.

* YGK’s “The Dinner” is open to YGKs and friends under 40. Admission is free, though a free-will love offering will be collected. Due to space constraints, registration via Peatix is required.

We look forward to you joining us in this journey of learning so that we may all be found "good and faithful servants" of the Most High!

In His service, for His Kingdom,

YGK Esther and Joshua Gates