You are looking at the older event information at Feb 3, 2016, 5:42:06 PM.
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EMA Japan was officially incorporated as an NPO in Japan two years ago and since its inception, there has been significant movement in LGBT rights in Japan. Throughout Japan, LGBT rights have become a much more commonly discussed issue resulting in several victories for the cause such as same-sex partnership certificates in Shibuya and Setagaya Wards and the foundation of the LGBT Parliamentary League.

In honor of all the work that’s been done and in anticipation of all the work to come, EMA Japan is hosting a 2nd Anniversary Party and we hope you can join us!

The event will be a wonderful opportunity to join other supporters of marriage equality in Japan and learn more about EMA Japan, plus a chance to exclusively meet our special guest, Evan Wolfson!

Ticket Information:

* Standard (¥6,000) Includes all you can drink and eat at the reception.

* Supporter (¥8,000) Includes all you can drink and eat at the reception and recognition in our official community thank-you in EMA Japan's newsletter and blog (optional).

* Premium (¥10,000) Includes all you can drink and eat at the reception, recognition in our official community thank-you (optional), listed on our website as a community partner (optional), and exclusive invitations to future EMA Japan events.
