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<<< The 4 product demos + expert panel of 2 are confirmed! Check below. >>>

Come join us for the official Product Hunt Singapore Community Event #7 at the always amazing The Working Capitol and mingle with fellow product peeps, entrepreneurs, investors, digital marketers, etc.

The fast-growing Singapore Product Hunt community is THE place to learn and share about building, designing, managing, launching, marketing, and growing amazing products. Goal of this event is to provide a casual platform to help & inspire each other, grow the startup ecosystem, and share experiences over a free drink or two.

For this event we're inviting some of Singapore's most talented, but lesser-known and below-the-radar makers to demo what they're working on. We've also invited some of Singapore's most senior product and design experts to give constructive feedback and dive into each product.

Like previous events, expect hands-on tips and tricks straight from the startup trenches.

Please reach out to event organiser Pieter if you'd like to share something about your app, service, startup, device, new feature, idea, or experience you're working on:

Product Demos:

1. - Get delicious and wholesome meals delivered to you in a few simple clicks.

Co-founder Rifeng Gao will demo "Grain Hotzones" (super dense delivery locations with no delivery fee, no minimum order) - it's still being tested. The product will be launched in the next 1-2 weeks.

2. - Technology Recruitment. Gamified. Founder Tushar Tejuja will run through what a typical interview flow on Hacker Trail looks like for a job seeker

2. - Technology Recruitment. Gamified. Founder Tushar Tejuja will run through what a typical interview flow on Hacker Trail looks like for a job seeker

3. - Get reminders of your forgotten 'read-later' bookmarks Maker Winston Teo will share more about the problem he tried solving with his product and run through the value proposition

3. - Get reminders of your forgotten 'read-later' bookmarks Maker Winston Teo will share more about the problem he tried solving with his product and run through the value proposition

4. (Astronaut) - Video selfie platform for job seekers and employers Co-founder Nigel Hembrow will showcase an early version of the platform and demo what the workflow looks like for employers using the product

4. (Astronaut) - Video selfie platform for job seekers and employers Co-founder Nigel Hembrow will showcase an early version of the platform and demo what the workflow looks like for employers using the product

Product Expert Panel:

  • Dave Ng - Principal @ B Capital
  • Nav Pawera - Lead design & general badass @ Buuuk

Make sure to come early for free swag and drinks sponsored by Product Hunt and the kind folks of The Working Capitol & General Assembly!

"That's great, but... what is this Product Hunt thing?"

Product Hunt surfaces the best new products, every day. It's a place for product-loving enthusiasts to share and geek out about the latest mobile apps, websites, hardware projects, and tech creations.


General Assembly - The world's most innovative education company

The Working Capitol - Spaces for Co-working, Private Offices, Events and Community