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You’ve probably heard of growth hacking, but do you really understand what it is? In this workshop, you’ll not only learn about growth hacking and the methods that come with it, you’ll also be able to start applying new strategies to significantly increase your customer base.

Key Takeaways

Delve into startup growth marketing
Marketing is essential, regardless of what stage your business is at. From launch strategies to actionable digital marketing products, we will teach you creative growth hacks to boost growth and propel your business forward.

Referral campaigns
Building viral loops and referral options are great ways to spread the word. Getting your customers to do the marketing for you is genius, and we will teach you best practices in building these campaigns.

Landing page design
It’s all about conversions. Good landing pages make the difference between mediocre and extraordinary conversion rates. We’ll teach you landing page best practices with appropriate A/B testing to induce more conversions.

Content marketing
Writing content can be daunting, but is much easier than it looks. Constructing a measurable plan linked to your marketing strategy and funnel strategy makes all the difference.

Growth hacking
While ‘growth hacking’ is broad, real growth hacks require creative thinking. You will learn how to develop and harness creative and innovative tools in digital marketing and regular communications to attract new users.

Content marketing
Writing content can be daunting, but is much easier than it looks. Constructing a measurable plan linked to your marketing strategy and funnel strategy makes all the differen

Off-page SEO strategies
Most people are familiar with on-page SEO, but off-page SEO—what happens outside your website, which include social shares and backlinks—is a whole new ballgame. We’ll give you the background you need and strategies required to implement good off-page SEO.

Copywriting for conversion
We’re not all English majors, which is a good thing, because writing copy in conversational language converts better. You will learn ways to simplify your messages and frame them correctly for email marketing, landing pages and more.

Paid advertising and remarketing
Depending on your market and what your startup offers, you might have to test the waters of paid advertising and remarketing. If you’ve never heard of remarketing, that’s okay. We’ll explain it all and how it ties into your overall digital marketing strategy.

On-Page SEO
This is within your control. It’s what happens on your website. Whether you already have a website or not, we’ll teach you methods to optimise SEO.

Retention strategies
Customer acquisition costs are real. This makes it painful when they leave. You will learn retention methods to increase margins and future-proof your business.


Nazroof, Co founder of Billplz, Funded by 500Startups

Khai Yong, Growth Hacker at Mindvalley

Maverick Foo, Co-founder of

Faeez, Co-Founder of Lagisatu, Malaysia's only Syariah Compliant Hotel/stay listing

Choong Fui-Yu of Kaodim, who will be talking about hacking the service industry with technology

Ang, Ex Groupon regional head and Cofounder of Helpr will be talking about using just SMS and Whatsapp to acquire customers

Kanashan, CEO of NeonRunner

Henry, BD of Shopback, the biggest coupon and cashback site of Singapore

Natalija, Regional Head of Growth Hacking Asia who have vast experience is growth hacking.

Get your tickets early!