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Bon Goût Music presents

Shun Sakai x Aya Sekine : Duo Live in Singapore

酒井俊 (Vocal) X 関根綾 (Piano) :デュオ・ライブ in シンガポール

Special guest : Rit Xu (flute)


魂のこもった歌声が国籍・老若男女を問わず、幅広い聴衆の心を打震わす孤高の女性ヴォーカリスト・酒井俊がシンガポール発上陸。現在ベトナムでアジアの鼓動を感じながら歌い続けている彼女が、シンガポールではおなじみのジャズピアニスト・関根綾と共に日本の歌を中心にじっくりと音楽を通じての対話を行います。ゲストにはシンガポールのジャズ界若手ナンバーワンのフルート奏者Rit Xu氏を迎え、皆様を鮮やかな音楽の世界へいざないます。


時間:5pm & 7pm(入れ替え制・一時間ずつ)

【1st セット】 オープン 4:30pm / スタート 5pm

【2nd セット】オープン 6:30pm / スタート 7pm

場所:Muzium Cafe (ブルージャズカフェの隣)


前売り$30 + 1 オーダー

当日 $35 + 1 オーダー

小学生以下 $20

早割チケット只今発売中! @ $25(+1ドリンク)*11月12日までに延長しました!





An original, unique and soulful - Japanese female vocalist/improvisor Shun Sakai appears in Singapore for the first time!

Shun Sakai is a legendary Japanese female vocalist/improvisor who is known for her soulful singing and interpretation of popular Japanese folk songs and Jazz. She continues to be adventurous with whom she performs with and experimenting with instrumentations that at times, can be obscure. She moves all ages, gender and nationalities with her passionate delivery of the songs she chose to sing no matter how controversial they may be.

This time, she and the familiar face to the Singapore music scene, a Japanese pianist Aya Sekine will collaborate for a soul-to-soul hour of Japanese music, Jazz and beyond. There will be a most sought after flautist of the region,Rit Xu as special guest.

Date : 21st Nov 2015

Venue : Muzium Cafe (part of Blu Jaz Cafe)

Show times :

【1st set】Open 4:30pm / Start 5pm (1 hour)

【2nd Set】Open 6:30pm / Start 7pm (1 hour)

Ticket :

Advanced $30 + 1 drink or food

Door $35 + 1 drink/food

★kids under $20

★kids under $20

Earlybird tickets now on sale @ $25 (+1 drink) now extended until 12th Nov!!!

Earlybird tickets now on sale @ $25 (+1 drink) now extended until 12th Nov!!!

*Due to space constrain, there are 35 limited tickets per set

*It's a free seating concert. All the seats have table so you can arrive earlier to order food!

*We have asked for a minimum 1 drink purchase for all guest, but it can be a food order.