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(English follows Japanese - please hit "read more" below for schedule and workshop descriptions)

TOMODACHI世代サミットのイベントに大学生とヤングプロフェッショナルのTOMODACHIアラムナイを招待します。 本サミットでは、米国および日本全国から2百名以上の大学生から若手プロフェッショナルのTOMODACHIアラムナイが一同に集まり、リーダーシップ育成のためのワークショップや、交流会へ参加します。また、ジョン・ルース前駐日米国大使夫妻に基調講演にご登壇いただく他、日米関係に携わる第一人者や著名人らをお招きし、ご講演いただきます。

>>> CORRECTION: Summit hours ---> Registration begins 8:30AM and ends at 7:30PM.<<<<<
(English follows Japanese - please hit "read more" below for schedule and workshop descriptions)

TOMODACHI世代サミットのイベントに大学生とヤングプロフェッショナルのTOMODACHIアラムナイを招待します。 本サミットでは、米国および日本全国から2百名以上の大学生から若手プロフェッショナルのTOMODACHIアラムナイが一同に集まり、リーダーシップ育成のためのワークショップや、交流会へ参加します。また、ジョン・ルース前駐日米国大使夫妻に基調講演にご登壇いただく他、日米関係に携わる第一人者や著名人らをお招きし、ご講演いただきます。

日時:2015年11月8日(日) 午前9時から午後7時半

場所:上智大学 11号館




The TOMODACHI Generation Summit is open to all university and young professional alumni of TOMODACHI Initiative programs. Former U.S. Ambassador John Roos and his wife, Susie Roos, will open the Summit as Keynote speakers. Masi Oka, a Japanese-American actor known for his role in “Heroes”, and Gil Asakawa, Japanese-American author, journalist and media specialist are among the workshop trainers. The Summit will conclude with a reception bringing together TOMODACHI alumni, corporate donors and partners, and Japanese-American leaders from the U.S.-Japan Council.

Sessions will be delivered in English so don’t pass up this opportunity to practice your English communication skills. Hit "see more" below for the Summit schedule and workshop descriptions.

If you're a high school student, you can join as a volunteer. Please click here to register as a high school volunteer.

Cost: Free
Registration Deadline: October 21, 2015.

Volunteer for USJC's Annual Conference the day after!
Deadline: Sept 30, 2015 (Wed)

TOMODACHI Generation Summit participants and TOMODACHI alumni are invited to volunteer at the USJC Annual Conference (11/9 - 10). As a volunteer, you will be assigned to one or more tasks such as registering guests, guiding guests to their breakout sessions, sending messages from one committee member to another, printing copies of agendas, taking notes and photos of sessions, etc. Criteria to volunteer:

1. You must speak English
2. You must be 20 years old or older
3. You must have attended a TOMODACHI program
4. We prefer that you volunteer for both days, but only one day is fine.
5. You must register to volunteer before September 30.

As a volunteer, you will have an opportunity to attend the Annual Conference sessions before or after your volunteer segment ends. USJC Annual Conference registration fee will be waived. Select the "Volunteer for the Annual Conference" ticket to volunteer in addition to registering for the Summit. If you cannot attend the Summit on November 8, but would like to volunteer at the USJC Annual Conference, DO NOT register here. Instead, send your name, availability, TOMODACHI Program name and year you attended to:



Please read the following descriptions of workshops and choose workshops A and B. You will select these workshops in your registration when you click "GET TICKETS".

First Impressions (90 min - A/English)
A television personality, STEVEN HAYNES, known for his style for fashion, runway, stage, beauty contest as the “Magic Hand” for his unique concept of coaching. His method “ultimately important is 1st impression” & beauty starts with training you to understand what beauty really is! Steven has led many beauty contestants to “WIN” the crown. In this workshop, you will learn how to make the best First Impression.

Young Americans (90 min - A/English)
Young Americans Tohoku Tour will join the Summit. You will learn self-expression through the power of musical theatre. The Young Americans are a group of talented performing arts students from the United States who conduct song and dance workshops throughout the world. They bring Japanese and American youth together to practice American-style singing and dancing.

Career Panel & Mentorship (90 min - B/English)
Moderator, BRITT YAMAMOTO, USJC Member, will lead an engaging discussion with a panel of seasoned professionals from the United States and Japan. They will share their experiences and lessons learned working in the two countries, and the people who helped them succeed in their fields.

Leadership Skills for working in Japan (90 min - B/English)**
Moderator: KEN NISHI, President, Graduate School Japan
Leadership in Japan might take different styles and meaning compared to the West. What are some of the more subtle and effective strategies that Japanese leaders use that can be applied elsewhere? In this workshop, you’ll learn the successful strategies applied in Japan.

Cultural Insights (90 min - A/English, B/Japanese)
“Culture is more often a source of conflict than of synergy. Cultural difference are a nuisance at best and often a disaster.” The current global environment continues to create challenges and opportunities for leaders. Building the right solutions for such a complex time requires a renewed set of capabilities to enable success for global effectiveness. In this workshop ITIM JAPAN will help you leverage your capabilities of leading across different cultures and share ideas to promote cultural diversities and engagement in the workplace.

Yes…And (90 min - A/Japanese, B/Japanese)
Do you start with a negative statement first and find fault when someone shares an idea? Do you stop yourself from attempting new things because you tell yourself it’s too hard or you’re not good enough? Then this workshop is for you! Japanese-American actor, MASI OKA, will run a workshop that will enhance your collaborative spirit, applying improvisational principles and a mindset to get people to communicate, collaborate, and create. This workshop will help you overcome any tendency to limit yourself. Each session is limited to 12 participants.

Your Vision (180 min - A&B/English)
GIL ASAKAWA, Japanese-American author, journalist and media expert, will help you shape and frame your future vision of yourself. You will use your pivotal experiences, TOMODACHI program, and childhood memories to define your view of the world. You will walk out of the workshop with materials and resources that can be applied in many ways including advancing your cause through messaging, promoting yourself in a job interview, or inspiring an audience.

Crucial Conversations** (180 min - A&B/English)
In Crucial Conversations, you will develop skills to ensure your team makes aligned and clear decisions through open dialogue in high-stakes, emotional or risky topics. You will learn how to communicate and actively listen to distill the best solutions with your team.

** You will be notified if the content changes.