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We're very delighted to be partnering with Michelle, the founder of Canvass, to conduct an exclusive workshop for you at our Pop-up Gallery.

We're very delighted to be partnering with Jolie, the founder of Canvass, to conduct an exclusive workshop for you at our Pop-up Gallery.

About the Food Art workshop: Stay calm, drink and paint with coffee

Be surrounded with the rich aroma of coffee as Michelle takes you on a multi-sensory experience through smell and taste. Dabble with the beautiful marks and textures of what these rich colored compound coffee can create on paper for you to take home and remember this multi-sensorial experience!

Enjoy the taste of a high quality coffee vs a kopi-o-kosong and begin experimenting and dabbling with the beautiful marks and textures of what these rich coloured coffee can create on a water colour pad. Be guided with skills and techniques by our featured Artist who will show you how to create a patterned artwork of your favorite quote or text. This is a multi-sensorial activity not to be missed!

Tools & materials will be provided for use during the workshop.

Enjoy a cup of freshly brewed coffee and take home a coffee painting of your own creation.

Enjoy a cup of coffee and take home a coffee painting of your own creation.

Duration: Expected 2 Hrs

Limited seats available, register with your friends today!

About Canvass

Canvass is located at 5A Binjai Park, and is open to minds and bodies of all ages. Art and yoga are practiced and taught here because we believe these two spheres work together to find freedom, balance and creative growth. Canvass is a happy place that engages and stimulates mind and body – and allows you to sketch freely and stretch fully.

Canvass is located at 5A Binjai Park, and is open to minds and bodies of all ages. Art and yoga are practiced and taught here because we believe these two spheres work together to find freedom, balance and creative growth.

Canvass is a happy place that engages and stimulates mind and body – and allows you to sketch freely and stretch fully.

Meet Jolie Michelle Ow, Founder-Teacher

Jolie Michelle Ow has more than 13 years of teaching experience and has taught over 7,000 classes to local and international practitioners. She believes that everyone can draw and practice yoga, and that these disciplines complement and harmonise with each other in many beneficial ways.

She participates in many yoga, meditation and Ayurvedic workshops while running Canvass’ studio, which she describes as being a safe, happy place for people of all ages. She is always seeking more knowledge in nurturing creativity and expression, and wishes that everyone embraces the journey of processes as much as the results and destinations.

Facebook: canvasssingapore

Instagram: @canvasssingapore